Demovibes - electronic grooves from the bigscreen
category: music [glöplog]
listening to retrovibes now...
quite a nice bugparade so far...
- no ID3 :(
- the chords at the beginning of Ambient Power were too short... they were longer in the demo i'm sure
- sounds missing from Second Reality's "plasmacube" part's music :(
... hope the rest gets better :S
quite a nice bugparade so far...
- no ID3 :(
- the chords at the beginning of Ambient Power were too short... they were longer in the demo i'm sure
- sounds missing from Second Reality's "plasmacube" part's music :(
... hope the rest gets better :S
who cares, it has the Desert Dream soundtrack! :P
but the SOTA soundtrack was mutilated too :(
and 9 Fingers too :(((
gargaj: it looks like i'll have to finish my "happy birthday concrete/contraz-mix" just for you.. :) it has all those songs.. in GOOD versions.
gloom: the mixtape from his birthday when we annoyed the fuck out of the rest by listening to geek-musik all night? ;)
Hmm.. Time to give this a try!
i was about to complain to the lack of Helsinki (Crankshaft mix) and Yuki-Satellites on the first two but i guess Willbe rules now :D

i would

There was not enough room for everyone...
Take a deep breath and enjoy the nice weather ;)
Take a deep breath and enjoy the nice weather ;)
thanx willbe !!! volume 3 have no cue errors this time ;)))
Good work! (again)
my favourite is still the 2nd disc, but all of them are great things, and they will stay on my playlist.
Great work dude!
my favourite is still the 2nd disc, but all of them are great things, and they will stay on my playlist.
Great work dude!
OUT48!!!!! OUT48!!!!! OUT48!!!!! OUT48!!!!! OUT48!!!!! OUT48!!!!! OUT48!!!!! OUT48!!!!! OUT48!!!!! OUT48!!!!! OUT48!!!!! OUT48!!!!! OUT48!!!!!
\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
where can i dowload that gloom-shapeshipter remix?! :P
willbe is a pimp.
Demovibes are really great. I wrote 1 and 2, but there are some playing problems in my stereo (playing stucks at specific points). I guess that's a problem with the CD brand I wrote them, ugh. This hasn't happened with other audio CDs I wrote. I will buy some good CDs for writting and then I will write both 3 from the beginning. I had also seen retrovibes but didn't downloaded it. Only 30something minutes, no CUE list? What??? Not an organised and good try to make a collection as the Demovibes series..
exii exiii exx ex ex exxxiibhiitt taTA TATATTATATkezz CooooonnnnnTRRrrrrrool!
optimus: who cares?!
kaneel: oh sweety talk dirty to me! talk is cheap! in your face! lets go back to my place and morph some ifs fractals
I sent a cue-sheet for retrovibes to franxis I did by hand/ear (I hope it is correct), but up till now he didn't bother adding it or answering... If somebody is interested (which I doubt ;-) :
And respect to willbe for Demovibes3. Great mix, as always...
And respect to willbe for Demovibes3. Great mix, as always...