How to find all demos which have been ripped to video?
category: general [glöplog]
NEW: Pulse & Pygmy projects & Virtual Dreams - Tour - I wanted to do this for a long time. Not perfect, but at least we've got a video of this classic demo.
Early weekend present.
NEW: farbrausch & Scoopex - fr-010.scx: art - Nice comic-artish intro from M&S 2001
NEW: farbrausch & Scoopex - fr-010.scx: art - Nice comic-artish intro from M&S 2001
My 114th video btw :)
NEW: Haujobb - Mosaik - Second winner from M&S 2k1. Radix' music is teh shit!
Have a nice weekend people.
Have a nice weekend people.
NEW: Haujobb - Misguided - '97 breakbeats and coder colors
Didn't realize that it finally runs in dosbox :)
NEW: Oxygene - Solex - Nice 3D flat-shading show.
Thanks to ryg's new kkapture version:
NEW: Replay - Two watermelons and one indoor ape
And a long time capture candidate of mine:
NEW: Replay - Fall equals winter <3
NEW: Replay - Two watermelons and one indoor ape
And a long time capture candidate of mine:
NEW: Replay - Fall equals winter <3
You should wait an hour or so. I'm re-upping the mp4s with proper subtitles and tags... forgot them, sry.
NEW: Replay - Fall equals winter <3
At last! This didn't work quite well my recent ATI cards anymore. Thanks for kkapturing!
NEW: Cascada - Hex Appeal 1993 classic. Had to use the music from libertine.mod, because sound output in DOSBox was b0rked.
Will be available in ~1 hour. Going to sleep now...
Will be available in ~1 hour. Going to sleep now...
If all others fail - try this <a href=></a>
Watching a vid of would really make my day. Any chance of my day getting made?
Would love to do it, but sadly it can not be captured correctly in DOSBox. Some of the scenes don't work...
Btw: There some statistics about the distribution of videos on wurstcaptures. 119 Videos! Yay!
Btw: There some statistics about the distribution of videos on wurstcaptures. 119 Videos! Yay!
Tried DOSBOX 0.73 with the videomode set to the new "vgaonly" or whatever the per-scanline emu code uses?
Not yet. Could work as it is probably VGA only...
Nope. Middle parts "seem" to be missing. Just black screen with some dots. Isn't supposed to look that way probably...
I was on a T-Rex capture spree recently...
NEW: T-Rex - 74293945 - Beauty in numbers, ~256kb and the "typical" T-Rex mood
NEW: T-Rex - Broadband - Somehow the prequel to "Your scientists invented electricity"
NEW: T-Rex - Sinum - Naked chicks in a fantasy theme. What could possibly be wrong with that?! ;)
74293945 is already up, rest will take some hours. going to sleep.
NEW: T-Rex - 74293945 - Beauty in numbers, ~256kb and the "typical" T-Rex mood
NEW: T-Rex - Broadband - Somehow the prequel to "Your scientists invented electricity"
NEW: T-Rex - Sinum - Naked chicks in a fantasy theme. What could possibly be wrong with that?! ;)
74293945 is already up, rest will take some hours. going to sleep.
After MindCandy 3 is finished I'll set up my DOS capture rig and grab the harder stuff, like GBU and Copper. ETA: August.
Sounds good trixter. Go for it. GB&U would make a lot of people happy I guess...
NEW: MenTaSm - Magma - Winner demo from Saturne 96' with some animation, nice 3D and bitmap effects. A bit of tearing in the video, but quite watchable nonetheless.
up in a few as usual. going to sleep now.
up in a few as usual. going to sleep now.
NEW: TPOLM - Empire - Nice '96 DOS oldie. Good soundtrack and synching.
Just fyi: I reworked the site a bit (yeah. still ugly, I know) and added a page with the demo patches I did.