What do you use for wanking?
category: general [glöplog]
Work out in the gym :)
$d011, I don't think there is another way.
Oh, I also use my gubbkuk.
no one mentioned their gf/wife's hand yet...
My girlfriend's right hand...but don't tell the wife
your face
soundtrack: Stroke the Shaft
...usually i wank everytime i see a picture of the pope or even sometimes his underlings !!!
...usually i wank everytime i see a picture of the pope or even sometimes his underlings !!!
You could always try and visit this woman.
You could always try and visit this woman.

Your mom.
Hopefully one day I’ll find a superstud who can satisfy me !
WURST plz !
WURST plz !
Elevated, the 4k

mostly lesbian teen porn. i hate dicks.
mostly lesbian teen porn. i hate dicks.
I suggest chopping your own dick off then, if you hate them so much.
he forgot "in porn."
A girl.