Riemann zeta function topic
category: code [glöplog]
Do you have ANY idea, how to use zeta function for generate something interesting? Textures or music, animation etc?
It could be quite spectacular, because zeros of this function are connected with prime numbers (how utilize it on the screen?)
Do you have ANY idea, how to use zeta function for generate something interesting? Textures or music, animation etc?
It could be quite spectacular, because zeros of this function are connected with prime numbers (how utilize it on the screen?)

i think you just answered your own question.
rasmus, why do you think so?
This image is just image of function - I think there are a lot other applications
This image is just image of function - I think there are a lot other applications

actually, if you rotate the picture 90 degrees anti-clockwise and look around zero on both axes (thus in the center), it looks like a vagina, with the dark region as the hole and the little colorful sphere as a clit....
you're one hell of a pervert.
and yeah, i can see it too.
and yeah, i can see it too.
prime numbers is mostly used in cryptography as i know of. i dont see how it can be used for something interesting in the demoscene except for a random number generator or something. prime numbers dont have any pattern at all thats why its so interesseting for mathematicians.
sorry typo. there are several patterns but they are so messy that they dont make sense, but i dont think they are connected to any of the other numbers in any way.
Another representation:

thats a really nice representation krzyzan
oh yeh, whats the story behind that picture? iterated prime numbers on the complex plane? :P