Does any one here code with comic sans ms? Discuss.
category: general [glöplog]

This is so weird, it's cool. Now try it with Zapfino...
I do sometimes. But I am not sure what to discuss. I think Comic Sans Ms is a fine font.
is there a monospace comic sans variant?
I'd say Lucida Console is comic sans-ish. But not really.
How about those: Top 10 Programming Fonts
(I tried some of them a while ago, but for some reason, they don't work out for me. Oh, and I hate Windows' "Clear Type", so I'm stuck with Courier New 10pt and a nice looking color scheme. Not too bad actually.)
(I tried some of them a while ago, but for some reason, they don't work out for me. Oh, and I hate Windows' "Clear Type", so I'm stuck with Courier New 10pt and a nice looking color scheme. Not too bad actually.)
Profont ftw.
@tomaes :
you dont like ms cleartype because of the smooth / antialised aspect of the fonts or because it looks not as good as font antialiasing on macos ?
you dont like ms cleartype because of the smooth / antialised aspect of the fonts or because it looks not as good as font antialiasing on macos ?
The first thing mostly. I like my fonts as crisp as possible and smoothed fonts always strike me as muddy/blurred.
I checked and seem to be using Courier New. It really doesn't matter for me though, as long as it's fixed width.
Once I drew a font with no characters larger than 3x4 pixels. If I could turn it into an actual font (all the font editors seem to be either very expensive, obscure or limited) I'd definitely give it a try.
Once I drew a font with no characters larger than 3x4 pixels. If I could turn it into an actual font (all the font editors seem to be either very expensive, obscure or limited) I'd definitely give it a try.
Lucida Console is missing.
I do code with a non-monospace font (verdana) which is concidered to be pretty dumb, but is actually totally easy on your eyes and gives you like 250% more width ... which means more windows open if you'd like and no multi-line function call shit (ugly).
flame on buddy. I'm right.
flame on buddy. I'm right.
btw, this is what it could look like:

also, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono though I'm really getting used to Consolas on Win7

is it camel ? i think i use to do some while i was studying
It seem more like F#, by the look of the comments (but yeah, F# is OCaml/Caml inspired, so...)
It's the F# tutorial that comes with visual studio. It looks like a pretty cool language so far.
Everyone knows Wingdings is far superior to Comic Sans...

No comic sans, but I've got teh Hoffset \o/

You don't like your fonts to look smooth? Anyway, you can turn it off or tweak it to your liking if you don't like it the way it is, just enter ClearType in your start menu search..
You don't like your fonts to look smooth? Anyway, you can turn it off or tweak it to your liking if you don't like it the way it is, just enter ClearType in your start menu search..
True typeheros use marlett.
system font + no-fucking-distracting-syntax-highlight-thx here
Good old Topaz in Windows-compatible bitmap format: