Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]

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Gutmann ist Übergott
Gutmann 35 Akbar

Ready for BP? Eat like there is no tomorrow?

btw. i wonder why you ppl love to watch dicks, but go totally nuts about vomit. that's not normal!!!
how you can turn a useful program...

... into a huge pile of bloated crap...

... just by bumping revision number from 5.8.8 to 6.0 ...
... it even makes Enforcer hits !!!

... into a huge pile of bloated crap...

... just by bumping revision number from 5.8.8 to 6.0 ...
... it even makes Enforcer hits !!!

Plates from the car of a rich friend of mine...only ITALIAN can understand this

zurt just keep the old version? :P

Is that Italian slang for dick?
yeah, it equals PRIIICK
crosbow: is just what i did, i downgraded again back to 5.8.8 ... ;)

I soooo want one.
120 euro and i send you one
got one of these inside my car's trunk... has been there for three years or so...
i have one which i use as a doorstop. but out of malice, you can't have it
120 euro is a bit steep, I don't want it that bad.
Also, stfu and post random images.

Also, stfu and post random images.

@zurt: I thought Enforcer was a piece of Amiga software!?
Get ready for this:

100 years old and a prolific smoker.
btw, 8 out of the world's eldest living people in history smoked, to vaarying degrees. that should tell you something.