logo for a group
category: gfx [glöplog]
@ewerybody: yeah, the symbolic one. it can be just a letter "Q" or something like that
@ewerybody: yeah, the symbolic one. it can be just a letter "Q" or something like that
Why not giving a try. What type do you want / need ?
![BB Image](http://www.seeklogo.com/images/Q/Q8-logo-EF2F81DD90-seeklogo.com.gif)
.. well, with a bit of an accent then! :D
![BB Image](http://mommylounge.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/letter-q.gif)
![BB Image](http://hobones.dogsoft.net/quite.png)
the background is suppose to be transparent. Take it or leave it- doesn't matter to me.
![BB Image](http://nooon.org/picture/nooon.jpg)
@nytrik: just a symbol
I think Quite should have a nice, generated logo with fractals.
![BB Image](http://www.kavli.no/wps/wcm/resources/file/ebc9ff091434eb7/melk.jpg)
this one:
![BB Image](http://www.quotid.com/qimage/Q14.png)
inspired me to do sth like this:
![BB Image](ftp://ftp.untergrund.net/users/shroom/Quite-Logo-Hardy.jpg)
i am no graphician tho, sorry ! just a sketch !
but the good thing would be the logos interactiveness in realtime ! ;)
you could rotate the torus on its x-axis for example and the cube a lot faster on its y-axis ! :)
I actually like the first one (cropped Helvetica Q). Hell anything written in Helvetica looks official.
![BB Image](http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/8421/quite2.png)
unless you really feel fancy, then you go with Palatino
![BB Image](http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/2087/quite.png)
![BB Image](http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/8421/quite2.png)
unless you really feel fancy, then you go with Palatino
![BB Image](http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/2087/quite.png)
![BB Image](http://www.toxin.org/lj/Quite.gif)
![BB Image](http://imgur.com/sq2Cs.jpg)
Threw some letters around and added colour.
how about something simple like this?
![BB Image](http://kusma.demoscene.no/dump/quite-q.png)
![BB Image](http://kusma.demoscene.no/dump/quite-q.png)
![BB Image](http://glow.inque.org/stuff/q.gif)
![BB Image](http://www.hs-magazine.com/wp-content/woo_custom/288-q-dance.jpg)
![BB Image](http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/6936/quite.gif)
![BB Image](http://www.labinsk.ru/tmp/quiteeee.jpg)
I guess we'll use BiTL's one. BiTL, can you make another letters? I prefer brunettes.
![BB Image](http://www.forbrukertipset.com/bilder/artikler/ku-468.jpg)
![BB Image](http://www.labinsk.ru/tmp/quiteeeee.jpg)
![BB Image](http://baxpace.com/demoscene/quiteconcept.jpg)
![BB Image](http://www.labinsk.ru/tmp/quiteeeeee.jpg)
![BB Image](http://www.labinsk.ru/tmp/quiteeeeeee.png)