tags: 8bit, chiptune, hipster, mainstream
category: general [glöplog]
Well, there does seem to be some hate towards the chipscene here but the enthusiam it has is refreshing. True, there's a lot of silly posts on 8bitcollective but the average age is probably the same as when we were demoscening for real, you know? How many of the old diskmags can you read without wanting to lol? Not many. Ignore that and download a bunch of tracks, there are some freaking good musicians doing this stuff now, merging styles and ideas way further than it got in the demoscene. For a start it's not all sub-Radix "happy bunny factory" songs like the tracker scene turned into. (to clarify I love Radix's stuff, but I don't want to hear 200 pale imitations of him)
4mat: I have nothing against a classic chiptune, but what people from "outside the scene" are doing these days is often sub-par, to say the least. Especially if they can't handle a tracker anymore and try to make chiptunes with VST instruments in Fruity Loops or something. :P
Saga Musix: Oh yes I understand, I'm not sure about sub-par it's just been diluted. I mean, they're not aiming directly at other chipmusicians which is a big difference, chipmusic as it was (or in the tracking scene is) had been in this awful rut for years. Just all tech skills within certain parameters over and over again. Their simplified back to basics approach is sort of wiping the slate clean, there are still the incredibly complex guys out there but it's not the prerequisite anymore. It's like how demos got into that "logo, fx, fx, fx, credits, fx, fx, greetings, fx, fx, end screen, fade" routine and everyone got bored with it.
The one I keep plugging as the definition of the difference is "Left" by Minusbaby. On one level it's a chipmusic EP but (imo) it crosses far enough over into the 'serious' domain that it transcends it:
The one I keep plugging as the definition of the difference is "Left" by Minusbaby. On one level it's a chipmusic EP but (imo) it crosses far enough over into the 'serious' domain that it transcends it:
Shhh okkie, I'm trying to be very serious now... really. Look. I'm serious.
This thread is now about Sufjan Stevens.
This thread is now about Sufjan Stevens.
serious kaneel is serious.

knl: I actually bought The BQE and it's awesome. Mostly because he doesn't sing on it!!
At some point, I was quite sure you would say that. See, serious neel strikes.
I already told you that, so yeah, good mind reading skills yo! :D
I'll now proceed with posting the cover to 2010's best album.

Exactly the same thing is going on in the pixel art-scene.
I thinl you all should check out battleofthebits.org, A great bunch of people. Experimental and quality chip music. There is no dispute they are trying there hardest (to be silly). Plus they are all n00bz xD. Don't forget to vote in winter chip 5.
very true.. this whole 'nintendocore scene' (LOL) is being replaced with newer stuff.. when i go to a indie rock concert everybody is dressed like a bunch tree loggers.
next time i'll go dressed up like the canadian mounted police.
next time i'll go dressed up like the canadian mounted police.
You all gonna like him. I don't think he has a scener past but he exploits a lot the pixel/chip scenes.
we need more mainstream chiptune artists! seriously, who listens to old chiptunes? few people and very little will ever pay for it...
I admit I like what some people are doing when mixing dubstep and c64-like sounds.
knl: Disregard that, i think the chipsound part in their tracks is pretty poor.
And this is where the sceneguys come. Or should, i guess.
And this is where the sceneguys come. Or should, i guess.

I recently saw Rusko and Joke spin and they dropped some balling dubstep tracks with arpeggios in 'm. I actually really liked that..
And reppin' the Dutch Beep dee boop boop
And reppin' the Dutch Beep dee boop boop
okkie, that link gave a nice "This video is not available in your country." :-)
this no werk aswell...
indeed, "This video is not available." :( ;)
well I guess rusko did do this
admittedly it'd be nice if they didn't just use it in dance music though, or terrible metal bands for that matter.