Random Logo Thread
category: general [glöplog]
all the pouet logos are ugly.maybe more here?
What? There has been a thread named like this already..
go make a better one yourself..
go make a better one yourself..
logorama (oscar winner movie)
ugggggglllllyyyyy :) i love them


pouet is not scene.
it's a nice preview.....
hehehe ra you are a maniac :D

(favourite logo ever)
REPEAT 36[ RT 10 REPEAT 360 [FD 1 RT 1]]
FD 25
RT 90
sorry for all the bad things i did... maybe i'm not gonna go to BP this year coz i'm not a fighter with weapon.... sorry all, i was back in demoscene to help Barti n' Chaos n' Kheops , but i failed i guess ; now only Assembly is a goal each year for me , to see happy people instead of dangerous guys.
have fun , rest in peace , bybye at Assembly 2010
have fun , rest in peace , bybye at Assembly 2010