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let's talk about tinnitus

category: general [glöplog]
Who has it ?
What noise ?
Since when ?
What is your best trick against it ?
Is it still annoying ?
added on the 2010-02-26 18:30:24 by ponce ponce
Since 1998 - Depeche Mode The Singles Tour concert in Sthlm/Swe...

Some bleepy stuff at different frequencies.. I would guess one is at 5khz, one at 10khz and maybe one at 500 hz .. and probably some more.

The best trick is actually to sleep well and avoid being stressed.. :) And to protect the ears ofcourse.
added on the 2010-02-26 18:41:08 by d vibe d vibe
.. I wouldn't say it's very annoying though. I barely think of it any longer..
added on the 2010-02-26 18:41:47 by d vibe d vibe
I start.

1. Yep
2. Whistling around 5000 hz
3. At a party in 2006, too much time near the
4. If you get tinnitus after partying or your tinnitus get worse, react FAST and take cortisone. I don't know ig anything else works. Avoid coffee, milk, exciters to lessen the tinnitus. Make sport.
5. I can't really go out without earplugs, and without earplugs it gets worse and I may need cortisone later.
added on the 2010-02-26 18:47:35 by ponce ponce
I have it constantly (ears damaged due to DJing I guess) but I really don't core. It's just there and it doesn't bother me.
added on the 2010-02-26 18:48:49 by superplek superplek
sleep well and avoid being stressed

Nice tip, I shouyld try this :)
mine is not so annoying either, just at times when it gets worse for a while.
added on the 2010-02-26 18:49:39 by ponce ponce
i released an ep on tinnitus and made a demo about it
added on the 2010-02-26 19:12:13 by psenough psenough
not about tinnitus itself, about the ep release ;)
added on the 2010-02-26 19:14:16 by psenough psenough
[x] got it, since 3-4 months now. At around 8000Hz.. one single tone, kinda like a CRT TV, slightly louder also. I agree that sleeping helps. not so sure for me about coffee though.. I think the stress you get from coffee makes you notice it more, so it doesn't actually get worse per se.. It's like a ticking clock, you forget it when you are busy doing something but you can hear it if you focus on it.

It's annoying at times but 99% of the time it's not. I got it after creating feedback in a PA system while tuning an EQ. From now on: earplugs in all loud situations. Lesson learned.

For me it's also important to take a day or two of silence from time to time to rest the ears - listening constantly to music (being exposed to sound all the time) kind of makes it worse for me. I guess the ears/brain get tired more easily.
added on the 2010-02-26 19:19:13 by jaw jaw
* Around 15.5 kHz, both ears, right one slightly louder
* Don't know where I got it from (had it as along as I can remember)
* Never go out without earplugs, never think "ah, it's not that loud here, I'll put them in later when the band starts playing"
* Be careful with headphones
* Having slight background noise (i.e. quiet music even if you're not really listening) puts the tinnitus in the background.
* Don't think too much about it
added on the 2010-02-26 19:19:56 by Moerder Moerder

not so sure for me about coffee though.. I think the stress you get from coffee makes you notice it more, so it doesn't actually get worse per se..

Exactly. I think few things can really make it worse except loudness. I think aspirin should be avoided though.
added on the 2010-02-26 19:30:43 by ponce ponce
My ears are fine. I think it sucks that they always have to push volumes to levels that hurt you at concerts and stuff... which is why I usually don't visit any. What's the point of it? I prefer music at enjoyable levels.
Additionally, my ears have always been a little more sensitive to high volumes, i.e. it starts to get really unpleasant for me already while it's still ok for other people.
added on the 2010-02-26 19:42:51 by jua jua
No concert, limited volume on my MP3 player, quiet volumes when making music. That's the key of a well preserved ear (medically measured) at past 32 years old and 25 years of music making including thousand of hours of music listening.
added on the 2010-02-26 19:51:50 by oxb oxb
I like when they give earplugs to the peoples at the entrance of a concert to protect their ear. That's so stupid.
added on the 2010-02-26 19:54:20 by oxb oxb
I like when they give earplugs to the peoples at the entrance of a concert to protect their ear. That's so stupid.

Yep... that's like setting up an art gallery and then making the lighting so bright that you have to wear sunglasses to not burn your eyes.
added on the 2010-02-26 19:57:05 by jua jua
left ear, around 15,5kHz also. created by VOX AC-30 in live situation.
blood pressure changes seem to have effect on its loudness. fortunately it is constatnt tone, so no whispers/water/ghosts :]
sleeping well helps, but if you live in countryside (like I do) where is not much city ambience you will hear it ayway, even teh most silent one.
added on the 2010-02-26 20:30:57 by comankh comankh
Got it from the Sepultura "Roots" tour in 1996 (should have worn plugs)
It's right around 15 kHz or so, gets worse when I'm tired or stressed.

This is weird, but if I spend time in a very quiet place which makes it relatively prominent, then after a while my brain seems to cancel it and it's hard to notice for some time in a regular environment.

OR if I don't have the patience, I turn on a fan. Fan noise masks it.

It's only annoying when I'm really really tired and it's so loud that it is interfering with sleep (that's when the fan comes out).
added on the 2010-02-26 21:10:30 by andr00 andr00
Almost ruined my left ear due to a bad PA and a even worse DJ (hallo Andy). It's almost impossible for me to understand people on the telephone using this ear, but fortunately I have no tinitus issues.

added on the 2010-02-26 23:04:01 by torus torus
i have it after stressful days, lack of sleep... sounds like crickets...
added on the 2010-02-27 00:03:14 by el mal el mal
i lost my hearing at exactly the 1k-region for a period of time and the nasty side effect was tinnitus and underwater-sounds. those were a tiny bit unbearable to say the least.
i'm glad all that has gone back to normal. i really don't want that situation to come back.
added on the 2010-02-27 00:05:35 by dalezy dalezy
and as comankh mentioned, blood pressure seems to have an effect on that.
added on the 2010-02-27 00:06:22 by dalezy dalezy
i sometimes have a tinnitus when i catched a cold. it always went away with the symptoms of the cold (and while being ill concentrating on the noise makes it dissapear, mostly). i cant tell the exact frequency, though.

some people i talked to could recognize their tinnitus at high surrounding volume when asked about it.

blood pressure has a definitive effect on tinnitus, i think.
added on the 2010-02-27 02:18:57 by gentleman gentleman
additionally id like to say that there´s a saying in german.
"Bei dir piepts wohl!"

"You must be off your head!" - rough english translation.. (somebody has a better one?)

its referring to tinnitus, me thinks.
added on the 2010-02-27 03:06:10 by gentleman gentleman
I have it on both ears, started 1997 without a reason on the left ear. Nevertheless I was very stressed at that time because of an unsure future. (didn`t know what to do with my life (job, etc) back then^^)

2 different frequencies on the left ear (middle one and a very high one), one on the right ear, upper-middle frequency (just a guess).

Luckily it is not very loud.

When it keeps me from sleeping I think of some kind of fictional story and focus my mind on that and not on the tinnitus. Works for me.

If you don`t want to ruin your ears here is the golden rule:


I work in a loud environment, so I use earplugs.
When I go out and there is loud music, I use earplugs.
At demoparties, especially during the compos, I use earplugs.

And I follow the same rules like oxb. Preserved my ears quite well for a 32 years old fellow.

It didn`t save me from tinnitus though, but I`m convinced that without the precautions I had taken and still take, it would be worse.

added on the 2010-02-27 03:06:15 by Skyrunner Skyrunner


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