challenging puzzle game
category: general [glöplog]
Hi mates, I'd like to point you to my first indie videogame release, in case you are interested and have an Xbox360.
It's a puzzler with a strong story component, called Rotor'scope. We believe it's one of the most beautifull and entertaining games of the Xbox Indie catalog.
Enough words, here's a youtube video:
A you can download the demo directly from here:
It's a puzzler with a strong story component, called Rotor'scope. We believe it's one of the most beautifull and entertaining games of the Xbox Indie catalog.
Enough words, here's a youtube video:
A you can download the demo directly from here:
Looks great!
Unfortunately we still can't get XBLIG over here. :T
Unfortunately we still can't get XBLIG over here. :T
O conteúdo que pediste não foi encontrado. Poderás ter utilizado uma hiperligação desactualizada ou escrito incorrectamente o URL.
Looks cool on the video (no xbox for me).
But.. this should really be on iphone. The controls would make sooo much more sense if you can actually rotate it. It should sell well too I think!
But.. this should really be on iphone. The controls would make sooo much more sense if you can actually rotate it. It should sell well too I think!
Let me know when there is a Linux version. hehe
We are considering a PC port as it'd be the easiest to start with. Mobile platforms (iPhone, Zune, WM7 $ Android) will come somewhat later if everything comes as expected.
It seems these 'indie games' are not availible on european xbl :/ (or at least danish xbl)
and dutch...

xblig are avbl in germany, but it's full of crap :)
Looks like fun. looing forward to try the pc version.
Congrats guys!
Nolver: out of curiosity, is it profitable? (as in paying salaries + benefits).
Also, are the puzzles hand-made or do you use some random generator?
Nolver: out of curiosity, is it profitable? (as in paying salaries + benefits).
Also, are the puzzles hand-made or do you use some random generator?
That certainly looks fun! But I wonder if you will make much profit on your current platform... just from what I read about indie games on XBLIG.
You really should consider bringing it to the iPhone, better: the iPad.
(Allright, now flame on ;P )
You really should consider bringing it to the iPhone, better: the iPad.
(Allright, now flame on ;P )
Doing an ipad version would be easy enough after doing an iphone version, just plan for different screen sizes at the beginning.
Let me know when there is a Linux version. hehe