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you suck! (bashing demos...)

category: general [glöplog]
i really have to say that a lot of you guys deserve a straight kick into their face for the comments they give to productions.

it's hate that raises my bloodpressure by reading the comments you leave at aeg's demo "adrenaline" (which is only one i do consider here). who do you guys think you are? ok, you don't like the demo, but AEG's fucking INSANE WORK doesn't deserve your pissing arrogance. a demo which wins at a party, deserves it! even if you consider it beeing boring or not. i think it's the production which has been made with the most efforts (as everybody should see!) that's why i really deserves to win!

apart from this demo, a demo/intro/whatever always is the artistic impression of a few people which can't please everybody. a less destructive way of giving comments is really appreciated in the future. this ain't no damn kindergarten.


"for great justice"
added on the 2002-04-04 17:21:31 by rp rp
shut the fuck up.

there were plenty of good and more artistical and technical impressive demos at mekkasymposium, my guess is that "adrenaline" only won because of 1) they are germans and 2) they named all the fly-by-objects after their old c64 releases (maybe to brownose the c64 guys?)
Ouch. I guess that's what you call "fratzengeballer", huh. :)

I haven't seen Adrenalin yet.. haven't had time! Stayed up late last night just watching the MS02 PC intros. But, I must respect AEG for still making demos (C64 or PC) after taking so much shit from the C64 scene for his "PC" effects.

My peeve is when people say intros like Sonnet and Westside Twiddly suck, because they're "boring". WTF? Have we gotten where, if something isn't boom-strobe-boom and doesn't change effect every second, we won't watch it? Do you walk out on movies like Lord of the Rings too, because the scenes don't change quickly enough? Learn to at least appreciate good code, music, and mood/ambience when you see it. That especially goes to the scene
potheads and dadaists, who don't like a demo if it actually makes sense.

Oh yeah, and 3d-world demos always win compos. It's a law or something. :)
added on the 2002-04-04 17:49:12 by phoenix phoenix
i think i should write something really really really offensive here but nothing comes up in my mind right now so could someone else try? macaw had a nice try already but we need something even better (tm)
added on the 2002-04-04 18:05:07 by 216 216
"i think it's the production which has been made with the most efforts (as everybody should see!)"

imho, e.g. reel by mindforce was made with even more effort. they had a) even better models b) proper textures c) more of that stuff you commonly call "design" d) their visuals were actually synched to the music (which was btw way better than the one used in adrenalin) e) the demo had a more "closed" feeling to it, because at the end everything was rewinded and you returned to the beginning. in adrenalin i wonder what the first scene has to do with the rest (yea, rite, it's a part of one of the machines, but still it confuses me).

phoenix: you haven't watched adrenalin yet, it's the new definition of "boring". i consider something boring when people keep rubbing my nose in not very spectacular 3d landscapes or similar stuff (considering that the average human probably needs about 3 seconds at max or so to recognize what's being shown on the screen). always the same setting but 100 different cameraangles. no thanks.
added on the 2002-04-04 18:24:04 by robotriot robotriot
make a parallel comparaison of:
adrenalin and the hit (rt)
released both at ms2002.

both are the hated 3d show, one actually as a scenario,
a point, something, (however simplistic it maybe) while
the other one is a a big object show, a demonstration
of modelling skills (then again i don't know anything
about modelling) applied on a very narrow topic
that i can't really get the interest of. demonstration of
skills which could have been done just as well as a set of pictures. narrative doesn't have
any kind of place or interest in it.. so why make it animated? it wouldn't even work as a wild demo.

added on the 2002-04-04 18:41:41 by _-_-__ _-_-__
and i don't consider sonnet boring since it's slow
speed could be justified. (after all, seasons are
not passing by at 133bpm, and sonnet constantly
changed, just slowly)

boringness comes from inadequation between
displayed rate of events and their expected rate ++
meaningless repetition
added on the 2002-04-04 18:46:08 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Each of us have our own taste.

We probably get influenced by what other people means about prods.

What mood we are in can influence how we like prods.

We probably vote thumb up for prods made by someone we know really well.

We are only humans, made to make mistakes :)
added on the 2002-04-04 18:46:22 by Wain Wain
mistakes like showing 7 minute boring as fuck 3d shows and disqualifying other prods for beeing 7 minutes abstract shit.
yes we are all just humans. made to make mistakes.

public voting i tell yah but no one listens.

we shouldnt be competing, we should be shwoing each other what we have done on past year.
but no one sees it.

fuck i hate politics. i hate doing it but it needs to be done.
public voting on compos must be abolished!

lets make a demo that is pure shit with bad music and do mass advert and win a famous party so then organizers will realize public voting is bullshit.
oh wait we already did that and ppl just flamed and didnt change anything.


demoscene makes me feel ill sometimes.
why are the majority so narrowminded, shortsighted and always following the past?

what happened to the damn evolution?
its 2002 for fucks sake
added on the 2002-04-04 19:36:09 by psenough psenough
its like.. good musicians dont want to participate on compos anymore because they know their music will not get highly qualified or even pass pre selection.

graphicians are tired of seeing the damn naked girl pics getting on top3.

and you get huge as fuck 3d shows that everyone falls asleep too and everyone claps because they have too, because its lots of work. it is hard work and claps for that but.. fuck.. we already seen that 3d scene 3 times, we dont need to see it another 59..
it shouldnt win a democompo. there are other ppl having more original and fresh ideas out there who deserve the money for their imagination. they had hard work putting their demo together aswell.

and whats with the previews of demos beeing showned? if its a fucking preview you could have shown them on the seconds half next to the "too shit to be on the first 25 half and usually disqualified prods"

i'm pissed at demoparties.
i'm pissed at demoscene.

it's not mekka orgas fault, they just follow the scene standard of narrowmindedness. please the masses kinda stuff but it still pisses me off.

if its fucking boring it deserves to get a comment on pouet saying its fucking boring.
dont like it tough luck. dont read the comments.
added on the 2002-04-04 20:03:06 by psenough psenough
"i really have to say that a lot of you guys deserve a straight kick into their face for the comments they give to productions." <- Yes, like all those thumbs up and raving reviews they give to Farbrausch, when clearly all of their products are being made using child slave labour in Singapore!

Give it a fucking rest, rp. Pouet is a site where actual human beings post, and they might have their own opinions and perspectives(!!). If you don't like what people post, don't read it, you cretin.

Bah. My karma has been degraded 10 points for that.
added on the 2002-04-04 21:21:38 by Shifter Shifter
added on the 2002-04-04 21:27:22 by psenough psenough
maybe stuff votes down and writes negative comments since their comments are .. individual and they express their feelings for the production..

saying adrenaline is a deserved winner is like shooting yourself in the foot after what fabrausch did at last the party..

so.. rp > YOU SUCK

and this thread is so booring since we had so many before with same theme.... so rp you suck even more!

and also i must say that i prefer demoscene as a funny and some flamewars etc keeps it alive .. if everybody just nodded and said "wow, you made ANYTHING how nice!" well what the fuck.. how fun could it be to really work your ass off then if everyone has to like everything... or if you knew that those who didnt like it dont dare to write it because people like RP gets upset and start screaming that he's much more mature than you are...

well.. FUCK *YOU* :)

ohh and btw.. 216 > nah i didnt really care so you should sober up and come up with something nasty :)
added on the 2002-04-04 21:57:43 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
It's the fun behind making that demo.

Everyone have their own opinion about it.

Party-voting sucks. We need a panel of judges.
no need for judges, use your freedom of speech.
added on the 2002-04-04 23:19:08 by funktion funktion
yes, adrenaline is some piece of impressive and hard work.
yes, adreniline is doing stuff few other prods do with our hardware.
yes, adreniline is boring and its music dull.
and, yes, freedom of speech is a bitch.

give me a panel of judges and I'll execute every motherfunkin one of them.
added on the 2002-04-04 23:24:19 by moT moT
i'm your judge and now i will execute everybody who is reading this thread.

ps, i second you.

stefan, 216 writes better when he is not sober. so i guess the line up there was written while sober.

yes, sonnet and westside twiddly are not boring.

actually i don't see a problem anywhere. hmm.. i guess i'll have to get more beer to understand all this fuzz.
added on the 2002-04-05 00:16:07 by melw melw
I have to say I really love sonnet.
I agree with the paced argument, that not eveything should be MTV bullshit, but you could have used Kurosawa as an example (LOTR , i loved it, but the fuckin enya music sucked)
As for ppl bitching, its human nature, when will anyone be happy.

Go fuck a dog!

added on the 2002-04-05 03:57:22 by IZM- IZM-
First time I saw Sonnet I was astonished. but as times fly its starts to get boring.. im sure people agree with me. because we all get boring of the same things all over again...
But SONNET was av verry GOOD intro. and there are not many intros that are that good. intros that is boring the first time u see it.
sonnet i could like watch plenty of times before I got bored with it.. therefore we need more intros like sonnet. maybe not the same 3d flyby shit. but something that we dont get bored of the first time we see it.
it's funny to see how threads always seem to loose topic after the first 5 or so posts..

To get back to was rp said, I think he's right. There are a lot of people who call themselves demowatchers, and think they know what they're talking about and like to show it too. Some people just look at the experience, rate demos like movies. But there are people behind the demos. They are the people that create the scene and imho all you 'demowatchers' should be fucking kissing even the lamest newbie's boots because without them there wouldn't be anything to watch.

imho it won mekka because there simply wasn't anything better. But you don't hear me putting down some other guys work because of it.

Imho the scene is what you make of it. If you want a scene where people call each others stuff shit and crappy and only the best of the best get any respect then you people should go on like this, we're on the right track.
added on the 2002-04-05 09:15:01 by Inopia Inopia
"yes, adreniline is doing stuff few other prods do with our hardware."

added on the 2002-04-05 09:17:13 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
juste remember cde, lames comments kill him ...
added on the 2002-04-05 14:33:59 by jb jb
stefan: pixelled looking textures i guess

captain: true
added on the 2002-04-05 17:15:26 by psenough psenough
demoscene was allways a world competition of our skills

it was (it is?) a competition about : i can do this!, this slow computer can do this with my brain code!, can you do better than me ??

judges? please no! it's too much friend-judge-voting and this sucks a lot! (see LTP voting, jury are oriented for their friends). it's not democratics to have judges, let the people vote, and accept the people vote is courageous. if you do demos to win democompos, you dont understand really the interest of demomaking.


an in every competition, there is winner and loosers
the way is training, training, training, then winning. if you want to win without training, you are a ripper=lamer=dopped.

some of us demomaking for competition, fame and winning democompos
others demomaking for art, fun, friends.
you are in one of these teams (choose), and never you will understand the other one.

if you stop training, stop efforts (perhaps because critics), you are simply a looser.
and demoscene is like real life, if you're a demolooser, you will be a humanlooser.

dont be a looser, proof to yourself you're able to do better than other human skills, do it for audience?, do it for friends?, do it for YOU!
added on the 2002-04-05 18:45:43 by phred phred


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