Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
Aye that would be wicked and about time as i've been keeping an eye on this mod for the last few years. X3 is the perfect game in which to base the vibrant B5 universe.
yeah, that's Cho Aniki for SNES :D
Polish newspaper Gazeta Olsztynska inadvertently publishes 4chanish shopof the 2010 Winter Olympics mascots in an article about preparations in Vancouver for the games.
@Pjer: Na serio tak wydrukowali czy to photoshop?
Nie rozumiem
..is this the the right time to point out that PI != 3.141592653?
March 14th (this year) will also be epic, i presume? or is there something particularly MORE epic about rounding to 9 decimals out of infinity?
pi = 4
Didn't those old C64 guys found out that π = 3?