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Demoshow at Dock18 in Zürich

category: general [glöplog]
The Buenzli organizer team is going to do a demoshow on Friday, February 5th, 2010 in Dock18 in the culture center "Rote Frabrik" in Zürich. Would be nice if some sceners show up there too, to share a beer or two. Currently it's planned to have two shows, one with fancy oldschool hardware demos (from 2008/2009) and one with modern hardware demos (also from 2008/2009).


These are the same (preproduced) shows as you might have seen at Buenzli 18 too - because we don't have the time to produce new ones and no hardware on place to show the stuff life :-)

Send me an email if you have questions or whatever about this. Also, I don't want to be there alone, so you'd better show up!
added on the 2010-01-27 16:42:47 by unlock unlock
Unlock: will a new issue of Pain be released there? :)
added on the 2010-01-27 19:02:26 by magic magic
i hope someone releases a new issue of pain in your face, magic...
added on the 2010-01-27 21:51:30 by el mal el mal
Yeah sure..
added on the 2010-01-28 10:26:20 by unlock unlock
magic pain face
unlock: well Zurich ain't far from me.. 45min by car. Not sure i'll be able to come tho.. maybe also depends on how many other sceners will show up :) Would be nice to have a scene party in zurich btw.. so close to me !
added on the 2010-01-28 14:24:17 by gilligan gilligan
gilligan... you mean like buenzli, in winterthur? which is like 10min from zurich? :)
added on the 2010-01-28 14:31:20 by prost prost
I volunteer for releasing some pain in Magic's face!
added on the 2010-01-28 15:37:16 by ithaqua ithaqua
pro: aeuhrm.. yes - exactly!
added on the 2010-01-28 19:33:23 by gilligan gilligan
*bump* that would be today :-)
added on the 2010-02-05 12:34:27 by unlock unlock
On the 11th of June (coming Friday) 2010, the Buenzli Orgas are going to show C64 demos in the "C64 Night" at the Dock18 in Zurich. We're part of a whole bunch of people presenting oldschool, crazy, cool, strange stuff related to the C64 there. They're going to have the C64 dance company, live hacking, various musical and remix related presenters, and more. I bet this will be an interesting evening. So if you're in or around Zurich at that time, you'd better show up :-)

More Information:

The C64 Demoshow will have a duration of around 45 minutes..
added on the 2010-06-04 11:14:20 by unlock unlock
That's today.. We'll be there for a beer or two, and with quite a few cool C64 demos played on the real hardware, of course (1541u rules). Anybody joining in?
added on the 2010-06-11 13:15:48 by unlock unlock
Just so you know: This was an awesome evening/night - and you missed it! We'll do more things like this, of course. So you got another chance coming up. ;-)
added on the 2010-06-12 11:01:29 by unlock unlock


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