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Birdie 12 - A new hope (short about the party and the scene vs game incident)

category: general [glöplog]
Another Birdie later.

This Year ("10th year aniversary") we had about 1000 people attending.
As usual problems started right before Birdie with the shippment of switches beeing delayed and is at this moment at the airport. But Nordic Hardware managed to get hold of most of almost all the switches needed anyway (a bit later than planned thou, and thanks to Utfors for lending us the last ones).
Then we didn't get all our equiment for the electricity in time either. (That one was our fault).

When all of this was fixed everything ran pretty smoothly with an unsual high quality of entries in the competitions until the last scene competition. Wild, during one of the live acts at this compo the contestant asked everyone watching to go over to the ProGame section and sing a "We hate gamers" song a sort of a 1st of april prank. So within 10 seconds around 300 people stood on the stand i the ProGame section and sang...

Most of the people in ProGame laught at this and thought that it was a stupid 1st of april prank (some of them started mooning and singing back exchanging gamers to sceners) but those who where in the middle of the semifinalls of the CS-turnament didn't think it was fun, some of the clans even left the party. (Look at it this way, what would you have said if someone did the same thing during a realtime fastcoding compo.)

But all in all we think that things went quite well and we have some nice demos, tunes and picture to upload to scene.org as well as some videos of the wild competition...

/Wix, scene-crew at birdie
added on the 2002-04-02 20:19:07 by wix wix
so who gives a shit about the wellbeing pro-gamers again?
Probably Pro-gamers themselves?

More parties should have such singalongs. Gamers may bring in extra cash, but they also tend to fuck up scene parties for good.

added on the 2002-04-03 01:31:53 by Shifter Shifter
hey, in birdie-party's case, more than half has to have been gamers .. and afaik they also pay entrance fees

remember, be nice to the hand that feeds you :)
added on the 2002-04-03 08:54:05 by jelly jelly
I've heard that the prize in the Game compo was 30.000 - What it's that all about ....30.000 to a bunch of gamers ...giving it to them is about the same as throwing them out the window...
added on the 2002-04-03 09:12:22 by dwarf dwarf
I've heard the 'hey, they bring in the money' excuse a lot over the years. It may be true on one hand, but they also tend to ruin a *demo* party and turn it into a *the* party.

If they're feeling welcome to a party, they'll only turn up in huger numbers next year, requiring the organization to take them into account & bla bla...

At TG'99 a lot of voices of the gamer community voiced their preference to abolish demos altogether so the bigscreen could be used for 'useful' stuff, like playing tournaments on them, in place of those silly videos that drew those greasy sceners to the front rows.

I tell you, I had never been that worried before. Gamers...tools of the devil, I tell ye!
added on the 2002-04-03 10:54:10 by Shifter Shifter
hey, the problem is that the things turned to the wrong direction. In older times gamers respected sceners. They were gaming in parties, but they knew the party is not about them. (And some of them actually were considered as a part of the scene. Not creative ones, but sceners nonetheless.)
Nowadays it seems that gaming became a higher art than scene stuff. (a bigtime fuck goes to whoever came up with this pro-gamer bullshit... gaming is okay, but giving them big prizes, for being a lamer??? for fuck's sake what are they doing?)
But apart of this, i think that gamers should be allowed to parties. because they make our entry fees cheeper, and our prizes higher. And probably one or two of them might become interested in demoscene too.
Therefore it would be good to have more additional "facilities" on a party, like a movie room, a dancing arena, and stuff, to invite people, and to make them want to become a part of the scene.
I think L33T parties with "no outsiders" makes harder for the newbies to assimilate, and for outsiders to become newbies....
shit. this is long. sorry.
added on the 2002-04-03 11:26:20 by FooLman FooLman
Who needs pricemoney anyway. Gamers should stay away from demoparties.
added on the 2002-04-03 11:32:11 by bruce bruce
Clans? Is it like groups of bushmen in the jungle?

Was there any democlans at Birdie? :)
added on the 2002-04-03 20:05:38 by Wain Wain
If you dont' want the cash from the gamers then don't have games. If the demoparty can't survive without the cash, then the party should not survive.. otherwise stfu.

It's not the gamers that are the problem, it's the obnoxious fools, kinda like what I see here.
added on the 2002-04-03 20:14:37 by Retro Retro
After bashing gamers so much, where do most demosceners end up? Working for the game industry, of course.

Funny how that works.
added on the 2002-04-03 23:05:42 by phoenix phoenix
my work: driving a car wich pics up the garbage and brings it to the recycler.
i would prefer a can of beer for prize in a democompo in exchange of no gamers at the party.
added on the 2002-04-04 14:39:39 by pantaloon pantaloon
Wow, what brilliant ideas.
Singalong against gamers! And beer for first price in demo compo. I just gotta make this happen some day..:)
added on the 2002-04-04 16:42:42 by xbit xbit
first prize at Woest was 2 sausages, a lollipop and a can of yoghurt... who needs money


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