Art or not?
category: general [glöplog]
I made a picture that i think could be art. Is it art?

If it ain`t art, i would be very dissapointed considering the 200 hours i have used to make it come true.

If it ain`t art, i would be very dissapointed considering the 200 hours i have used to make it come true.
is it a thread or not? if it ain't a thread, i would be very dissapointed considering the 200 brainless hours i have used to make it come true.
hello gloom, are you coming to scene event?
i missed ile at bp. :(
I don't like it, therefore it must be art 'coz everyone knows I have no taste.
if you don't understand it, it's art.
it's art if you say it's art.
or at least i thought that was the point of the pop-art movement of the 60's/70's...
and was started by earlier pieces like this famous one
or at least i thought that was the point of the pop-art movement of the 60's/70's...
and was started by earlier pieces like this famous one
who gives a shit about art anyways?
A definition of art
Basically, if you did not do that exclusively for reproduction or survival, it is art...
Just how serious was your question though? And what were you thinking when you created it?
Basically, if you did not do that exclusively for reproduction or survival, it is art...
Just how serious was your question though? And what were you thinking when you created it?
can be art and can be crap
I don't like any of you.
In that aspect, art is just like sexuality, religion and politics. For those fields, you have to find out what works for you. That's your personal definition then, your truth, which unsurprisingly might differ a lot from other people's views. There's no point to argue about that.
"Art is making something out of nothing and selling it."
With this statement anything in demoscene in is art, as long as we sellout, and we do, oh sure we do !
With this statement anything in demoscene in is art, as long as we sellout, and we do, oh sure we do !
Wain, i assume you joking us. 200 hours ? This one i can make in less 2 minutes : do a scan from a whitepaper with an dirt-spot and zoom it 800%..... hahaha ;-D
That's art if you want it to.
Now, good or bad, that's another question ;)
Now, good or bad, that's another question ;)
art is everything made by kusma, everything else is just cheap ripoffs!
it's crappy art
no wait; the lack of expression in this picture resembles the intention with which you did it, describing that you are in a conflict with your art, and the situation of not being able to express yourself properly. The stylistic devices like blocks and rectangular figures describing not much more than nothing emphasize that.
i actually think that the pic by wain is pretty neat. atleast it would be if it'd be a post-processing filter for some groovy 3d scene.
uncle-x: is that because it looks like one of the mountain tops from silkcut? :)
lets do some dada-art..
my green buttefish hurts abit
oh no o o o o hno hno o..
my green buttefish hurts abit
oh no o o o o hno hno o..
btw, imho if you created it out of your mind, with effort, and you like it, its art..
and: it's a cat!!! i can see it ;D
and: it's a cat!!! i can see it ;D
Drago_VOZ: I hope you can do that dirt-spot 800% zoom experience and post the result here on this thread :)
OK, i used less then 200 hours :)
The art movement have captured me. I was just a fool that didn`t like art because i had not the mental capability to use my imagination to find art attractive and interesting.
Mjz have a nice link to wikipedia about art and there it says:
"Good art communicates on many levels and is open to many interpretations. If returning many times to the same work of art uncovers variations of meaning over and over again, it passes an important test. Great art communicates with people across different cultures and stands the test of time, possibly the ultimate test for any work of art."
I guess "open to many interpretations" is the essence of art.
I can now imagine 1000 things when i look at that picture of mine, before i could just imagine 1 thing..and that was "utter crap that can be made in 2 minutes".
OK, i used less then 200 hours :)
The art movement have captured me. I was just a fool that didn`t like art because i had not the mental capability to use my imagination to find art attractive and interesting.
Mjz have a nice link to wikipedia about art and there it says:
"Good art communicates on many levels and is open to many interpretations. If returning many times to the same work of art uncovers variations of meaning over and over again, it passes an important test. Great art communicates with people across different cultures and stands the test of time, possibly the ultimate test for any work of art."
I guess "open to many interpretations" is the essence of art.
I can now imagine 1000 things when i look at that picture of mine, before i could just imagine 1 thing..and that was "utter crap that can be made in 2 minutes".
No, sorry Wain, try it yourself. No concrete proof from me in this :-) A human can have only 2 reasons to PERCEIVE the whole thing in this way *and* have exp too :
1. You are highly involved in criminal business like money counterfeiter or passport replicater.... (bwahahaha)
2. You are from the other side, like police or replica-catcher....
So, without my advocator i have nothing more to say in this.
.oO(note2me: drago, shut up your fucking mouth now!)
1. You are highly involved in criminal business like money counterfeiter or passport replicater.... (bwahahaha)
2. You are from the other side, like police or replica-catcher....
So, without my advocator i have nothing more to say in this.
.oO(note2me: drago, shut up your fucking mouth now!)