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Global Warming is a SCAM

category: general [glöplog]
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added on the 2009-12-14 10:24:02 by havoc havoc
But of course, for starters, you guys believe in those global temperatures calculations like, blindly. like they're perfect and not biased at all. :)

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more about this.

I wish i could believe that the CRU & climategate affair is an isolated case in the world of climatology, but unfortunately, if you follow closely, it is just the confirmation of a given set of practices that make the warming more alarming. :/ manipulation in one word.

added on the 2009-12-14 11:29:06 by nystep nystep
Not to mention issues like, if you install a thermometer in London in 1900 and record temperatures since then, you are most likely observing a warming, but not the global warming, rather what we call the "urban heat island effect", because the population increased from 1 million to 10 million around your thermometer...
added on the 2009-12-14 11:34:17 by nystep nystep
As you can see here, things happen:

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But these statistics are ofcourse lies, since 'they' try to cover up the truth which you can see here!

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In combination with all the other info we know:

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It's clear that the TRUTH is a LIE! And I've saved the best for last!

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added on the 2009-12-14 11:34:43 by okkie okkie

they have no data for the last 100 years.

But they do have data from the last 40.000 and the trend it shows is pretty obvious. Cool is the trend,.

Yes, except for the last 100 years when the graph goes 'pyoing'. That's, like, The Entire Fucking Point.
added on the 2009-12-14 12:10:43 by gasman gasman
Avseq01 \o/
added on the 2009-12-14 12:23:28 by xTr1m xTr1m
Yes, except for the last 100 years when the graph goes 'pyoing'. That's, like, The Entire Fucking Point.

no you fucking dilletant. The fucking point is that we have had much warmer and cooler periods before, even with the last 100 years included. Was they caused by C02 outlets and human production. Ofcourse not.
added on the 2009-12-14 12:25:32 by NoahR NoahR
You are a very angry man eebliss.
added on the 2009-12-14 12:26:10 by okkie okkie
And you are a retard who have never had a thought of his own. Who in the lack of own identity, genuine self esteem, get a kick out of belittle those who do. Just like your mate Havoc here.
added on the 2009-12-14 12:28:30 by NoahR NoahR
could everyone just please chill the fuck down.


(ha ha)
added on the 2009-12-14 12:36:38 by Gargaj Gargaj
Haha eebliss, take a chillpill broseph, better for the heart :D
added on the 2009-12-14 12:37:50 by okkie okkie
I don't think is a whole lot to laugh about in this to be honest. Right now, in Copenhagen, political hog deals are being made on the basis of some pretty shady science. or rather, it is not science but politics masquerading as science. Whenever you hear that there is a 'consensus' obviously that does not include the 31,000 scientists of all sorts that do not think there is a consensus because their findings differ. All the people who signed the petition project + many others from the international community. What we can expect is more expenses placed on 'the little guy' while those with money can continue as they had always done by buying indulgences from the climate church. Problems solved by this approach ...null, zero.

added on the 2009-12-14 12:58:22 by NoahR NoahR
I believe the cause for concern isn't the overall temperature but the sudden rapid rate of heating, which indicates that there is a man-made greenhouse effect going on. And it isn't that we're "killing the Earth" with this greenhouse effect, but rather making conditions harder for ourselves than they could have been. So it makes sense to look into what can be done to reverse the effects. Panic doesn't make sense, though, and hyping the problem up to be a top priority regardless of whether there are feasible solutions is counterproductive, even self-destructive. Which is what some people, like the ever-unpopular Mr. Lomborg argue; if the resources spent on fighting global warming could be better spent elsewhere, then they SHOULD be spent elsewhere - stopping malaria and HIV, feeding the starving fifth of the human race, lifting the 3rd world out of poverty, removing trade barriers like EU farm subsidies, ending brutal dictatorships, researching water purification methods and alternative energy sources, and so on. But of course if you even suggest that maybe global warming shouldn't be our top priority, you're booed off the stage and portrayed as either a conspiracy nutter or a corporate shill, because the environmental movement is, just as it always was, a religious movement and not in any way rational.
added on the 2009-12-14 13:27:35 by doomdoom doomdoom
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added on the 2009-12-14 14:17:27 by el mal el mal
It's impressive that people still "debating" this haven't noticed that Maali and Havoc have taken over your thread. ;)

what i find even more impressive is that ppl like you, Maali, Okkie and Havok have absolutely no opinion on an issue that will effect your day-to-day lives. Not even a single line token gesture of disgust with yet another government orchestrated theft of your hard earned money.

I guess you're saving your constructive comments up for Breakpoint #14, by which time air fares will probably increase by %150 (with artificial eco-taxes) and only the richest of sceners will be able to afford to attend. Because that's when it will REALLY become an important issue, eh?
added on the 2009-12-14 15:05:26 by button button
yet another government orchestrated theft of your hard earned money.

This will be my new band's name! We'll play psychedelic prog-rock with very political lyrics!
added on the 2009-12-14 15:41:55 by okkie okkie
I'm almost out of popcorn
added on the 2009-12-14 15:46:48 by farfar farfar
This will be my new band's name! We'll play psychedelic prog-rock with very political lyrics!

excellent. you could probably get an entire album worth of material full of genuine post-rock angst, based just on the issue of being tracked like an animal alone http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2009/11/cabinet_finalises_road_pricing.php

it's a start at least
added on the 2009-12-14 16:02:47 by button button
what i find even more impressive is that ppl like you, Maali, Okkie and Havok have absolutely no opinion on an issue that will effect your day-to-day lives.

Not that I can speak for the rest, but perhaps the beforementioned persons don't quite see the point in trying to debate them seriously with you.
I guess you're saving your constructive comments up for Breakpoint #14, by which time air fares will probably increase by %150 (with artificial eco-taxes) and only the richest of sceners will be able to afford to attend. Because that's when it will REALLY become an important issue, eh?

You amuse me. :) I have never been to Breakpoint, and even if I was to go at some point in the future, I would take the bus with the danes. But you are correct: sceners not being able to purchase flights for Breakpoint #14 (which is in 2017 btw) because of artificial eco-taxes is perhaps both the most likely, and most important issue of the climate debate.

Oh shoot, I fell for it.
added on the 2009-12-14 16:04:32 by gloom gloom
I don't expect you to "debate" - you ninny. i just expect you to show some spine and shout a bit...rage, let off steam! yes, be indignant and angry! the effcts of this scam are going to gradually chip away at your standard of living in the years to come. that's something to flap your arms about at the very least.
added on the 2009-12-14 16:19:11 by button button
And you are a retard who have never had a thought of his own. Who in the lack of own identity, genuine self esteem, get a kick out of belittle those who do. Just like your mate Havoc here.

Spot on, eebliss.

I guess you're saving your constructive comments up for Breakpoint #14, by which time air fares will probably increase by %150 (with artificial eco-taxes) and only the richest of sceners will be able to afford to attend. Because that's when it will REALLY become an important issue, eh?

Spot on, rtype.

But to save your energy, you better just simply ignore 'em unless they have a point to make that actually is an argument which sticks to the topic.
It's only one out of a million, but I'll never give up hope that even Pouet can have one or two more serious threads within a pile of mindless fluff and scener-jubberish ;)
added on the 2009-12-14 16:29:49 by d0DgE d0DgE
Dodge! The man who thinks Jay-Z is satan and Rihanna is an egg! Yes, I'll take your opinion on any matter very very seriously!
added on the 2009-12-14 16:40:50 by okkie okkie
the moon is a cookie!
added on the 2009-12-14 16:48:43 by el mal el mal
yet another government orchestrated theft of your hard earned money:This will be my new band's name! We'll play psychedelic prog-rock with very political lyrics!

Please ! "hard earned money" is such a straight scheme ! It *cannot* match with a political psychedelic prog-rock background ! It was against materialism !

What do you know about nothing people?
You sell yourself so you can buy more
What do you care about bluffing people?
Does it make you want to try more?

Soon soon soon you will be obliged to try
Soon soon soon to reach your moon and die
added on the 2009-12-14 16:50:22 by krabob krabob


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