Global Warming is a SCAM
category: general [glöplog]
And exactly WHAT reality do you want to see created Krabob? How exactly do you want the average working man to "change his life style"?
Sustainable Degrowth. A world with more links between people and less useless goods. products able to long for years, never more programmed obsolescence. A world made of smaller towns, were what you need is near your home with independant sellers: no more supermarket, it kills the people that produce. A world were we should work a lot less and give more time for laziness, culture and politic. A world with no ads, and where no media would belong to the industry.
Yeah, the degrowth movement is against the so-called "sustainable growth", because no infinite growth is possible in a finite world, it's basically a lie. Why growing anyway ? It only serves a fistfull of shareholders.
Do you want us all transported back to the darkages, living in tents and freezing to death in the winter?
Actually, what we can say at this moment about the future, is that it will be as different as the modern times and the middle age, but it will not be the middle age either. Note the degrowth movement is the optimitic side, most scientists are actually into apocalyptic things.
You sound like one of these deceitful politicians who, for the past 5 years or so leading up to this crescendo of announcing Carbon based taxes, have been demonizing the average man's existence.
Yeah, they took their times ! Just prepare yourself to get that shit more and more along the rest of your life. It's only the beginning !
Trying their hardest to make us feel guilty for literally BREATHING. Why? Just so that they can justify literally charging us to breath. You are sickening!
We have to feel guilty, really, because the northern countries are doing a complete resource hold-up on the south country since 2 centuries. And to be complete: It is true to say we stole the resources of our children.
It is wrong to feel guilty for breathing. But I guess you'll understand driving a car, using money you don't actually have, buy bigger TV and computer each years, is completely different than breathing.
I live a very humble life. I earn slightly above average wages (25k/yr) most of which is spent on food, clothing, heating during winter, a humble mortgage for my overprice and tiny one bedroom flat (plus extortionate council tax) and - YES I'm sorry to say - I also NEED a car ...
That's the funny part, hey ! "We didn't choose". Actually, yes , you had more choice than what you believe. But we are learnt to live like this. I quitted my previous job just to get rid of my car. And I've read soon it will be impossible to live in a city with more than 200 000 people, because of food production and distribution problems. Just remember you have a lot of choice in life. Oh and don't mock the bums. Give to them. At least, they let the earth clean for the children.
And once again: you don't need a car "to live", you need oxygen, varied quality food, and of course love. No cars, really.
(a small fuel-efficient Smart car)
Well, you speak of scams: that is one !
When will will have a oil barrel at 300$, it will be still cheaper than bottles of water, (speaking price /weight). We are raised to learn, and everything we do is done because it wastes oil. We have been taught wasting oil is good, and that if you have the money, you can waste oil ! Now stop it: ** Wasting oil is not a right **. A common error of capitalism is to claim money brings equality between things. So if you want to waste the planet, "you just have to bring enough money". It has always been a lie ! It doesn't work anymore ! Earning money doesn't give you more or less rights than the rest of mankind !
... which enables me to travel to work out of town because there is very little work available in my immediate region. I have NO disposable income and any I do have left goes into my pension fund for my old age because (despite still paying income based taxes)
You can try to change your job for one available near you, even payed less. In the 70's an economist computed this: if you compute the speed of a car, by counting the time you spend at work for paying it, a car is actually slower than a bike.
Also: to manage what is to come, we need strong states, so we need more taxes. !! the state must be more powerfull than the industry, because we need laws against the industry !
our government are also threatening to withdraw state pensions in a few years. I have a computer which is over 9 years old and cannot even run the latest demos here on Pouet.
I reassure you at once; since some years, demos only works on their coder's machine and that's all. That's why we watch video versions.
I do not splash money about purchasing unnecessary items of luxury - carelessly "wasting resources". I cannot afford to. I buy exactly what I need and no more. This is the same pattern for most of my friends and family and other "regular" people I know. Yet you insane hypocritical eco-warriors look down on me and tell me to "change my habits and way of living"? You say eco-taxes are good, yet all they will do is bring hardship to people like me, while the wealthy (who have largely gained their wealth by pillaging this Earths resources to begin) with will NOT be effected. The rich (politicians and their CEO/banker friends) will absorb these taxes, and simply continue flying around in their private jets, having cruises on their Yachets and burning coal in their factories. These taxes will take us all down a step or two. But for many who are already close to the breadline (like myself) the added cost of day-to-day essentials will mean that we will not be able to afford our rent, food, and life will simply become a struggle.
Me - the degrowist anti-capitalist eco warrior - only sees in the problems you describe, problems brought by capitalism. (I mean freedom to fuck up everything including people and nature). You have been promised that by working, you will have a decent life: you discover it was lies. You believed them. What else to say ? Yes, capitalism IS a scam. A few socialist economists, unheard on medias, claim the end of capitalism will happen, for years !.
Note again about politic: all the leftist-socialist parties over the world are actually capitalists, and their socialist politics are also based on growth !
Actually a very few politician in europe begin to talk about sustainable degrowth ! ( Hopefully, there are individual promising things like the slow-city movements in italy and germany)
Note again: 99% of eco-warrior-like organisations (wwf, greenpeace,...) are also strongly capitalists, and are for the impossible "sustainable growth" bullshit. They also refuse to create politic parties because they think "politic is bad" which is the base of the capital/ liberal thought.
For what? Will the Earth be saved simply because I cannot afford to switch my livingroom lights on?
If we all cut our electricity, yeah it will be good, I'd like to see that happen actually.
While the rich hang the 10000watt XMas tree decorations outside their mansions and fly to the Caribbean for Christmas? Is that going to "save the Earth"? Like Okkie just said, you are a delusional & brainwashed.
Brainwashed are the people that swallows hundreth of ads per days.
Brainwashed are the people that never question their everyday behaviours...
Brainwashed are the people that swallows hundreth of ads per days... and never ask themselves if it is a right to waste the world with ads that only creates frustrations and disturbance !
As a sustainable degrowth supporter, an optimistic movement, I'm precisely not delusional: I'm just not blind !
This whole thing is a sham, and you are a gullible fool. I still see gas guzzling 4x4s being manufactured, companies packaging their proucts in unnessesary plastics and packaging - with NO talk or mention of legislating against them at this Copenhagen meeting. The only talk is of Carbon based taxes. Because once they have the green light, it is going to be open season for taxing ANYTHING they desire. And it will ONLYl effect the poorest, least polluting members of society. And you are on their side in this farce? Either you are a millionaire or a fool - you should be ashamed!
The Capitalists, the medias that lie to protect the industry, and the false ecologists, should be ashamed, because they fuck up the earth of our children !
Lord Moncton present some confused children with hard cold facts
*I cannot figure out if Moncton is actually genuinely pro free-market, or a capitalist. (more stuff that gets mixed up *sigh*). Do you know Krabob?
*I cannot figure out if Moncton is actually genuinely pro free-market, or a capitalist. (more stuff that gets mixed up *sigh*). Do you know Krabob?
And exactly WHAT reality do you want to see created Krabob? How exactly do you want the average working man to "change his life style"?
Sustainable Degrowth. A world with more links between people and less useless goods. products able to long for years, never more programmed obsolescence. A world made of smaller towns, were what you need is near your home with independant sellers: no more supermarket, it kills the people that produce. A world were we should work a lot less and give more time for laziness, culture and politic. A world with no ads, and where no media would belong to the industry.
Yeah, the degrowth movement is against the so-called "sustainable growth", because no infinite growth is possible in a finite world, it's basically a lie. Why growing anyway ? It only serves a fistfull of shareholders.
Do you want us all transported back to the darkages, living in tents and freezing to death in the winter?
Actually, what we can say at this moment about the future, is that it will be as different as the modern times and the middle age, but it will not be the middle age either. Note the degrowth movement is the optimitic side, most scientists are actually into apocalyptic things.
You sound like one of these deceitful politicians who, for the past 5 years or so leading up to this crescendo of announcing Carbon based taxes, have been demonizing the average man's existence.
Yeah, they took their times ! Just prepare yourself to get that shit more and more along the rest of your life. It's only the beginning !
Trying their hardest to make us feel guilty for literally BREATHING. Why? Just so that they can justify literally charging us to breath. You are sickening!
We have to feel guilty, really, because the northern countries are doing a complete resource hold-up on the south country since 2 centuries. And to be complete: It is true to say we stole the resources of our children.
It is wrong to feel guilty for breathing. But I guess you'll understand driving a car, using money you don't actually have, buy bigger TV and computer each years, is completely different than breathing.
I live a very humble life. I earn slightly above average wages (25k/yr) most of which is spent on food, clothing, heating during winter, a humble mortgage for my overprice and tiny one bedroom flat (plus extortionate council tax) and - YES I'm sorry to say - I also NEED a car ...
That's the funny part, hey ! "We didn't choose". Actually, yes , you had more choice than what you believe. But we are learnt to live like this. I quitted my previous job just to get rid of my car. And I've read soon it will be impossible to live in a city with more than 200 000 people, because of food production and distribution problems. Just remember you have a lot of choice in life. Oh and don't mock the bums. Give to them. At least, they let the earth clean for the children.
And once again: you don't need a car "to live", you need oxygen, varied quality food, and of course love. No cars, really.
(a small fuel-efficient Smart car)
Well, you speak of scams: that is one !
When will will have a oil barrel at 300$, it will be still cheaper than bottles of water, (speaking price /weight). We are raised to learn, and everything we do is done because it wastes oil. We have been taught wasting oil is good, and that if you have the money, you can waste oil ! Now stop it: ** Wasting oil is not a right **. A common error of capitalism is to claim money brings equality between things. So if you want to waste the planet, "you just have to bring enough money". It has always been a lie ! It doesn't work anymore ! Earning money doesn't give you more or less rights than the rest of mankind !
... which enables me to travel to work out of town because there is very little work available in my immediate region. I have NO disposable income and any I do have left goes into my pension fund for my old age because (despite still paying income based taxes)
You can try to change your job for one available near you, even payed less. In the 70's an economist computed this: if you compute the speed of a car, by counting the time you spend at work for paying it, a car is actually slower than a bike.
Also: to manage what is to come, we need strong states, so we need more taxes. !! the state must be more powerfull than the industry, because we need laws against the industry !
our government are also threatening to withdraw state pensions in a few years. I have a computer which is over 9 years old and cannot even run the latest demos here on Pouet.
I reassure you at once; since some years, demos only works on their coder's machine and that's all. That's why we watch video versions.
I do not splash money about purchasing unnecessary items of luxury - carelessly "wasting resources". I cannot afford to. I buy exactly what I need and no more. This is the same pattern for most of my friends and family and other "regular" people I know. Yet you insane hypocritical eco-warriors look down on me and tell me to "change my habits and way of living"? You say eco-taxes are good, yet all they will do is bring hardship to people like me, while the wealthy (who have largely gained their wealth by pillaging this Earths resources to begin) with will NOT be effected. The rich (politicians and their CEO/banker friends) will absorb these taxes, and simply continue flying around in their private jets, having cruises on their Yachets and burning coal in their factories. These taxes will take us all down a step or two. But for many who are already close to the breadline (like myself) the added cost of day-to-day essentials will mean that we will not be able to afford our rent, food, and life will simply become a struggle.
Me - the degrowist anti-capitalist eco warrior - only sees in the problems you describe, problems brought by capitalism. (I mean freedom to fuck up everything including people and nature). You have been promised that by working, you will have a decent life: you discover it was lies. You believed them. What else to say ? Yes, capitalism IS a scam. A few socialist economists, unheard on medias, claim the end of capitalism will happen, for years !.
Note again about politic: all the leftist-socialist parties over the world are actually capitalists, and their socialist politics are also based on growth !
Actually a very few politician in europe begin to talk about sustainable degrowth ! ( Hopefully, there are individual promising things like the slow-city movements in italy and germany)
Note again: 99% of eco-warrior-like organisations (wwf, greenpeace,...) are also strongly capitalists, and are for the impossible "sustainable growth" bullshit. They also refuse to create politic parties because they think "politic is bad" which is the base of the capital/ liberal thought.
For what? Will the Earth be saved simply because I cannot afford to switch my livingroom lights on?
If we all cut our electricity, yeah it will be good, I'd like to see that happen actually.
While the rich hang the 10000watt XMas tree decorations outside their mansions and fly to the Caribbean for Christmas? Is that going to "save the Earth"? Like Okkie just said, you are a delusional & brainwashed.
Brainwashed are the people that swallows hundreth of ads per days.
Brainwashed are the people that never question their everyday behaviours...
Brainwashed are the people that swallows hundreth of ads per days... and never ask themselves if it is a right to waste the world with ads that only creates frustrations and disturbance !
As a sustainable degrowth supporter, an optimistic movement, I'm precisely not delusional: I'm just not blind !
This whole thing is a sham, and you are a gullible fool. I still see gas guzzling 4x4s being manufactured, companies packaging their proucts in unnessesary plastics and packaging - with NO talk or mention of legislating against them at this Copenhagen meeting. The only talk is of Carbon based taxes. Because once they have the green light, it is going to be open season for taxing ANYTHING they desire. And it will ONLYl effect the poorest, least polluting members of society. And you are on their side in this farce? Either you are a millionaire or a fool - you should be ashamed!
The Capitalists, the medias that lie to protect the industry, and the false ecologists, should be ashamed, because they fuck up the earth of our children !
oh shit excuse the double post (wrong link in history)
to make it clear, (I feel in shape for discussion):
I'm not on their side, precisely because they are not ecological enough !
There should be more taxes on any fossil resources, and it should be followed by a total restructurations of our societies, to decrease our addiction to shipping merchandise and resources.
We also have to stop intensive agriculture, for Organic farming because all usable earth is actually going completely infertile: for the moment, it grows because we use gaz-derivated chemicals as (bad) fertilizers: You see cereals growing in fields, but actually the earth does not make them grow anymore: it's a complete Hydroponics system, the earth is actually infertile, it's the result of centuries of intensive farming. The farmers are taught they can't grow anything without fertilizers, and actually don't understand what is happening. When there will be no more cheap gaz soon, intensive agriculture will be impossible. Moerover , the few scientists working on ground microbiology , a science for understanding the complex systems of the ground, were only in france, and their budgets was cut in the 80's because they was just pointing out that our stupid intensive farming was finishing to destroy the whole planet. (the worms amongst other things are going inxtinct). So again: where is the scam ? Capitalism is again responsible for this. ...And I may do another post on the GMO scam.
And you are on their side in this farce?
I'm not on their side, precisely because they are not ecological enough !
There should be more taxes on any fossil resources, and it should be followed by a total restructurations of our societies, to decrease our addiction to shipping merchandise and resources.
We also have to stop intensive agriculture, for Organic farming because all usable earth is actually going completely infertile: for the moment, it grows because we use gaz-derivated chemicals as (bad) fertilizers: You see cereals growing in fields, but actually the earth does not make them grow anymore: it's a complete Hydroponics system, the earth is actually infertile, it's the result of centuries of intensive farming. The farmers are taught they can't grow anything without fertilizers, and actually don't understand what is happening. When there will be no more cheap gaz soon, intensive agriculture will be impossible. Moerover , the few scientists working on ground microbiology , a science for understanding the complex systems of the ground, were only in france, and their budgets was cut in the 80's because they was just pointing out that our stupid intensive farming was finishing to destroy the whole planet. (the worms amongst other things are going inxtinct). So again: where is the scam ? Capitalism is again responsible for this. ...And I may do another post on the GMO scam.
That all sounds pretty brainwashed, mind you. How exactly do you imagine you'll feed six billion people in your organic utopia? I'm guessing you picture yourself as the dictator who gets to choose what 90% of the world's population must starve to death as you undo the industrial revolution.
i say: free public transportation which should be payed by tax income from private gas usage.. and raising the gas tax by 500%!
unless you're living in lapland (where you actually need a car because here really isn't almost any public transportation and the distances are long.
and fuck flying, at least continental flights! that is just unnecessary and selfish.
unless you're living in lapland (where you actually need a car because here really isn't almost any public transportation and the distances are long.
and fuck flying, at least continental flights! that is just unnecessary and selfish.
here = there.
I must also be brainwashed, as I too have never understood people's obsession with private automobiles. Granted, motorized transportation is important for goods, services, long-distance travel, farming, etc., but private cars for carrying yourself and a suitcase around metropolitan areas seems overkill.
Forget the oil aspect for a moment. Cars promote an inactive lifestyle, take large amounts of space, noisy, dangerous, costly, etc.. In addition, locking yourself inside a big metal box when venturing outside is rather anti-social.
But I guess I've just been brainwashed by all those advertisements for private automobiles I'm bombarded with on a daily basis.
And for the record, I'm 36 and never driven. I've always organized my life so I don't need a car.
Forget the oil aspect for a moment. Cars promote an inactive lifestyle, take large amounts of space, noisy, dangerous, costly, etc.. In addition, locking yourself inside a big metal box when venturing outside is rather anti-social.
But I guess I've just been brainwashed by all those advertisements for private automobiles I'm bombarded with on a daily basis.
And for the record, I'm 36 and never driven. I've always organized my life so I don't need a car.
thom, same here. i'm 28, i never had a driving license. and i've been living in lappland for the 20 first years of my life. even there i could live with a bus (my school was 40km from my home.. a village of 800 people to another one with 2000)...
Global warming won't hit is before 2012. When other cool things will happen.
like what?
Global Warming isn't cool, it's warm... Keep up ;)
Gasman you don't really know how to read graphs do you?
Ones with unlabelled numbers on the axes with no information about what they mean except for someone screaming that IT'S ICE CORES DAMMIT? No. Sorry for that lapse in my mind-reading skills.
Anyway, thanks for the link to the original source. I haven't found anything directly refuting it yet, but as it's essentially one computer scientist on a blog plotting raw data with no specialist knowledge of how to properly interpret it (e.g. error margins, accounting for other factors) rather than an academic study, it's understandable that it hasn't had all that much attention from climate change proponents.
And besides, there are rather a lot of raw data sets he could have chosen from, so allow me to be a little sceptical for the moment about whether there's any cherry-picking of data going on there.
... RESEARCH REQUESTED ... just use the bloody search engine, would ya!
I did. It told me that Lord Christopher Monckton is an economist with no scientific qualifications, who chooses to publish his reports in newspapers and op-ed pieces rather than peer-reviewed journals.
I'm guessing you picture yourself as the dictator who gets to choose what 90% of the world's population must starve to death as you undo the industrial revolution.
He certainly will not be choosing. capitalism will sort the wheat from the chaff, as I suspect it was always intended to do, in true Darwinian fashion. They are already telling us there'll be food shortages and starvation throughout the world and, of course, those with money in each nation will be fine. it's pretty ironic that, as "they" force us from ultra capitalism to a money-less ultra socialist world dictatorship, it will be MONEY and your proven ability to accumulate/lust after it that will decide whther you and your offspring (basically your genes) progress to the next social order. if you are not wealthy, you will not survive the transition into Krabob's utopian moneyless/selfless order, yet the people that do crossover will have been selected based on their natural selfish desire of wealth.
capitalism is not the problem, the people running capitalism are the problem and those same people will be running Krabob's ultra-socialist world order just as they ran feudalism before it and will manage whatever comes after.
these overseers have had a grip on our destinies for far too long - too many generations at their mercy. and we continue to play their game.
i think if their was ever a mass awakening, they would be in grave danger.

I haven't found anything directly refuting it yet
I am certain that your googling skills and strong faith will serve you well
but as it's essentially one computer scientist on a blog plotting raw data with no specialist knowledge of how to properly interpret it
"John Storrs Hall is regarded as one of the most significant thinkers in the field of molecular nanotechnology. He founded the sci.nanotech Usenet newsgroup and moderated it for ten years, and served as the founding chief scientist of Nanorex Inc. for two years. He has written several papers on nanotechnology and developed several ideas such as the Utility fog, the space pier and a novel flying car..."
yeah he probably wouldn't understand the data anyway. Even if he took an interest
I can't help it but watch again <A href="">this</a> everytime we have this discussion.
like what?
Something having to do with the end of the world or a big planet coming from far away or a global new consciousness :)
Ok, I was just getting silly here with the stupid 2012 scenarios of the end of the world. When they happen nothing matters after 2012 so you don't have to worry about anything after 2012, and that's a stupid joke too of the whole catastrophology :P
For a good night goodie here's a neat video shot on how the esteemed
"saviors of our planet" a.k.a. the Climate Change Conference Deligates made their way to the Bella Center.
Have a nice ride
"saviors of our planet" a.k.a. the Climate Change Conference Deligates made their way to the Bella Center.
Have a nice ride
For me, the global warming and stuff is nothing more than a ethical issue. Why?
Just ask yourself some things, for example:
- who grows the coffee i drink every morning, and how much does he earn with that. can he live from that money?
- do i know how much wheat and water is needed to produce 1kg of cow/chicken/pork meat? and who gets that meat, and who looses the wheat and water?
- why is industrial food subsidized by many countries, while the healthier organic food is not?
- who weaves my clothing? is he old enough for the work? can he live from the earnings?
- why have new cars a life cycle of 6-7 years today? and who earns from that? and why did the "basic principle" of cars not change in the last 100 years?
- same for all other products?
there are many more questions. inform yourself. only straight facts will open your eyes.
and btw, what krabob wrote about intense agriculture is true. we have a big problem of massive "monoculturalism" (and all its disadvantages) and also of very long transportation ways. because it is cheaper to produce wheat in south america and then transport it around the whole planet for processing and again to the consumer (the biggest reason for co2 output is this transportation of goods). this could be a lot simpler by producing food locally "for the people around". if you think straight about that, you will come to the conclusion that decentralism is the key. and this decentralism would also work "the organic way"... and if you are asking yourself why people in africa just dont do that for example, well, because we are stealing everything from them and let them work for us for 50 cent or less per day.
but now its all about the power of big corporations, and only the consumer can break this circuitry (!!!1). they have zero ethics (understand that!!!), and people are only there to feed them with money. no quality, no health, no longevity, but just cheaply produced stuff to make money with... or to say it with a statement from we feed the world about the credo of big food corporations: "this is not produced for being eaten, but just for selling it."
stop consuming shit. buy local stuff.
...and at last, some movies you should watch:
lets make money
the corporation
food inc.
surplus - terrorized into being consumers
we feed the world
ps: if you want to open your eyes "straight", fly to one of the developing countries for a month or so. no hotel or stuff, just as backpacker. i did that and it changed my life forever. because when you see with your own eyes, not via a tv that you can turn off and just give a shit, what cruelty we do to nature and all those people, you will realize how primitive and barbaric we, the "developed nations" are in reality... and i still wait for the first constitution based on human rights + basic priciples of reconnaissance. because this is what we need: clear rules for everyone and free education. everything else is just killing potential. the child that starves to dead today could be the one that found a healing for cancer. think about that.
Just ask yourself some things, for example:
- who grows the coffee i drink every morning, and how much does he earn with that. can he live from that money?
- do i know how much wheat and water is needed to produce 1kg of cow/chicken/pork meat? and who gets that meat, and who looses the wheat and water?
- why is industrial food subsidized by many countries, while the healthier organic food is not?
- who weaves my clothing? is he old enough for the work? can he live from the earnings?
- why have new cars a life cycle of 6-7 years today? and who earns from that? and why did the "basic principle" of cars not change in the last 100 years?
- same for all other products?
there are many more questions. inform yourself. only straight facts will open your eyes.
and btw, what krabob wrote about intense agriculture is true. we have a big problem of massive "monoculturalism" (and all its disadvantages) and also of very long transportation ways. because it is cheaper to produce wheat in south america and then transport it around the whole planet for processing and again to the consumer (the biggest reason for co2 output is this transportation of goods). this could be a lot simpler by producing food locally "for the people around". if you think straight about that, you will come to the conclusion that decentralism is the key. and this decentralism would also work "the organic way"... and if you are asking yourself why people in africa just dont do that for example, well, because we are stealing everything from them and let them work for us for 50 cent or less per day.
but now its all about the power of big corporations, and only the consumer can break this circuitry (!!!1). they have zero ethics (understand that!!!), and people are only there to feed them with money. no quality, no health, no longevity, but just cheaply produced stuff to make money with... or to say it with a statement from we feed the world about the credo of big food corporations: "this is not produced for being eaten, but just for selling it."
stop consuming shit. buy local stuff.
...and at last, some movies you should watch:
lets make money
the corporation
food inc.
surplus - terrorized into being consumers
we feed the world
ps: if you want to open your eyes "straight", fly to one of the developing countries for a month or so. no hotel or stuff, just as backpacker. i did that and it changed my life forever. because when you see with your own eyes, not via a tv that you can turn off and just give a shit, what cruelty we do to nature and all those people, you will realize how primitive and barbaric we, the "developed nations" are in reality... and i still wait for the first constitution based on human rights + basic priciples of reconnaissance. because this is what we need: clear rules for everyone and free education. everything else is just killing potential. the child that starves to dead today could be the one that found a healing for cancer. think about that.
bloo bloo blo blo!