Global Warming is a SCAM
category: general [glöplog]
They're at Copenhagen now. Figuring out new methods of taxing us all (in the name of "saving mother earth") in order to raise extra revenue after recently giving our money away to their banker buddies. These taxes they plan are going to effect the cost of every essential item we rely on for our daily survival. Food, domestic energy, travel, buying a home. There is unprecedented scope for government taxation, and you cannot protest because it's a " life & deaf situation".
I read that Holland are leading the way by example and plan to legislate the introduction of GPS tracking devices in all new cars. The device will monitor how many miles you travel and charge an additional "eco-tax" for every mile.
This is the biggest cashcow since the Y2K Bug scaremongering episode.
And no, I don't want to hear crap about scientific research based on limited computer models "proving" that Global Warming is real, because: and plus it's currently -1Oc and my arsehole has just frozen!
I read that Holland are leading the way by example and plan to legislate the introduction of GPS tracking devices in all new cars. The device will monitor how many miles you travel and charge an additional "eco-tax" for every mile.
This is the biggest cashcow since the Y2K Bug scaremongering episode.
And no, I don't want to hear crap about scientific research based on limited computer models "proving" that Global Warming is real, because: and plus it's currently -1Oc and my arsehole has just frozen!

Here's a link to this E-mail correspondence and document collection, which was put together for the then ongoing FOI-suit against the CRU-director Prof. Phil Jones:
First message was that "Hackers got hold of CO2 fraud data...".
Now it has been confirmed, that this archive was just leaked out by an intern (perhaps) b/c the FOI- suit was rejected - therefore the material in the archive never would've gotten out to the public.
First message was that "Hackers got hold of CO2 fraud data...".
Now it has been confirmed, that this archive was just leaked out by an intern (perhaps) b/c the FOI- suit was rejected - therefore the material in the archive never would've gotten out to the public.
A lot of people actually reorganised the email data from the archive to make a search within the content more convenient.

isn't it like, what i mentioned there on april this year? :)
random pictures or gfto.'s exactly like that..and i thought i was being original :)

i think that image was more pro-GW :/
Global warming hysteria and the 9/11 terrorist attacks were both organized by the Jews. It's true! I read it in a local Aryan Nations pamphlet.
I don't care about global warming..
we all going to die anyway..
we all going to die anyway..
To what extent is global warming actually a SCAM?
What I see happening is that there is disagreement about how quickly global warming is actually occurring. For example, we focus on some particular glacier that's breaking apart—is it breaking apart because of natural climate cycles, or because of human activity? And we fight and fight and fight over that one little detail. If it's discovered that this glacier broke apart because of increased sun radiation or something, then the people who want to believe that global warming isn't real scream "global warming is a SCAM".
Predicting human-caused global warming is very difficult, just like predicting the weather. There will obviously be overestimations and underestimations. However, just because some group overestimates, or lies about it for some political motivation, it doesn't mean that global warming just isn't happening at all.
The greenhouse gas effect is well understood. Smog is obviously real. I don't think there's any realistic question about whether humans are causing global warming. The only thing in question is the timescale: are we doomed in 100 years or 2000 years? Don't get fooled just because one particular glacier breaking apart shown in Al Gore's movie turned out to be a deception. Just because a few arguments for global warming are false, it doesn't mean that the entire problem completely doesn't exist. It's still important for people to be responsible for the changes they do to the environment.
You also have to expect that there will be some politicians (both public and behind-the-curtain) using global warming as an excuse to steal money from everyone, and increase their own power, because that's what politicians do: they steal money from everyone and increase their own power. They also steal money from us because they say that we need healthcare, but that doesn't mean that people don't get sick, and that it was all just a lie to give the government an excuse to make itself bigger.
When I was a kid and learned about global warming, it was always well understood by me that it wouldn't be much of a problem in my lifetime, but that we had to worry about it to ensure that the human race could survive past the next few centuries or perhaps the next millennium. It's only in the last few years, especially since Inconvenient Truth, and a few other silly movies like Day After Tomorrow, that people suddenly started to think that global warming was going to kill us all very soon.
So sure, fight the idea that we are going to cause calamity in the next 30 years. Fight the ridiculous greedy ways that the super-rich are using it to get us to fork over even more of our resources to them. But to say that global warming isn't real AT ALL, is just an invitation for complete ecological irresponsibility.
To me, global warming is still very significant even if I'm not going to be hurt by it in my lifetime, even if it's only future generations who are going to be hurt by it. It's significant to me that human culture, which has been developing for hundreds of thousands of years, could completely end in the next few thousand years because of irresponsible use of technology. I think that makes me pretty unusual, though, since most people don't care at all what happens after they die. That could be why there's this effort to fudge numbers and misrepresent global warming so that it appears like we are all facing calamity before our grandchildren are even grown up.
What I see happening is that there is disagreement about how quickly global warming is actually occurring. For example, we focus on some particular glacier that's breaking apart—is it breaking apart because of natural climate cycles, or because of human activity? And we fight and fight and fight over that one little detail. If it's discovered that this glacier broke apart because of increased sun radiation or something, then the people who want to believe that global warming isn't real scream "global warming is a SCAM".
Predicting human-caused global warming is very difficult, just like predicting the weather. There will obviously be overestimations and underestimations. However, just because some group overestimates, or lies about it for some political motivation, it doesn't mean that global warming just isn't happening at all.
The greenhouse gas effect is well understood. Smog is obviously real. I don't think there's any realistic question about whether humans are causing global warming. The only thing in question is the timescale: are we doomed in 100 years or 2000 years? Don't get fooled just because one particular glacier breaking apart shown in Al Gore's movie turned out to be a deception. Just because a few arguments for global warming are false, it doesn't mean that the entire problem completely doesn't exist. It's still important for people to be responsible for the changes they do to the environment.
You also have to expect that there will be some politicians (both public and behind-the-curtain) using global warming as an excuse to steal money from everyone, and increase their own power, because that's what politicians do: they steal money from everyone and increase their own power. They also steal money from us because they say that we need healthcare, but that doesn't mean that people don't get sick, and that it was all just a lie to give the government an excuse to make itself bigger.
When I was a kid and learned about global warming, it was always well understood by me that it wouldn't be much of a problem in my lifetime, but that we had to worry about it to ensure that the human race could survive past the next few centuries or perhaps the next millennium. It's only in the last few years, especially since Inconvenient Truth, and a few other silly movies like Day After Tomorrow, that people suddenly started to think that global warming was going to kill us all very soon.
So sure, fight the idea that we are going to cause calamity in the next 30 years. Fight the ridiculous greedy ways that the super-rich are using it to get us to fork over even more of our resources to them. But to say that global warming isn't real AT ALL, is just an invitation for complete ecological irresponsibility.
To me, global warming is still very significant even if I'm not going to be hurt by it in my lifetime, even if it's only future generations who are going to be hurt by it. It's significant to me that human culture, which has been developing for hundreds of thousands of years, could completely end in the next few thousand years because of irresponsible use of technology. I think that makes me pretty unusual, though, since most people don't care at all what happens after they die. That could be why there's this effort to fudge numbers and misrepresent global warming so that it appears like we are all facing calamity before our grandchildren are even grown up.
Well, who has no interest in accepting global warming as real?
1. Big coorperations making profit polluting the environment
2. Growing economies like China making profit polluting the environment
3. Last but not least: Every human beeing used to wasting energie and producing more and more garbage (because they only think about themselfs and not how their behaviour affect others, don't want to change that and refuse beeing forced to change by others).
So actually a very big majority has no interest whatsoever accepting global warming as a fact and therefor change their way of lifestyle. That alone makes global warming very believalbe for me, because a majority has a strong and vital interest in denying such a fact.
"Changing my way of living because of something happening in some decades if I don't change? GO FUCK YOURSELF!"
1. Big coorperations making profit polluting the environment
2. Growing economies like China making profit polluting the environment
3. Last but not least: Every human beeing used to wasting energie and producing more and more garbage (because they only think about themselfs and not how their behaviour affect others, don't want to change that and refuse beeing forced to change by others).
So actually a very big majority has no interest whatsoever accepting global warming as a fact and therefor change their way of lifestyle. That alone makes global warming very believalbe for me, because a majority has a strong and vital interest in denying such a fact.
"Changing my way of living because of something happening in some decades if I don't change? GO FUCK YOURSELF!"
BTW if someone thinks predicting global warming (climate change) and predicting weather (weather change) is the same pls inform yourself about the concept of climate:
I forgot the fourth group of religious fundamentalists who have no interest in accepting global warming (as man made), since only something like a god would have to power to change the earth as it is gods creation. And if global warming is real, it is a punishment for the liberals, gays and non-believers. A punishment god wants and so no man has to stand in gods way and must be stopped (even if this means denying global warming, so the ones trying to fight it cannot prevent gods will to happen).
Sorry, but all this environment pollution of the growing human species has to have some effect sooner or later, especially in a closed environment like earth athmosphere (a very thin and fragile portion of this planet BTW).
Sorry, but all this environment pollution of the growing human species has to have some effect sooner or later, especially in a closed environment like earth athmosphere (a very thin and fragile portion of this planet BTW).
I'm a Republican and what is this?
I'm upgrading to a HA-EUUJ-ARR carbon footprint by going to 550w power supply to a 750w power supply and what is this?
Global warming or not, people shouldn't be so wasteful. Pick up after yourselves, turn off the lights after yourselves, etc...
I'm upgrading to a HA-EUUJ-ARR carbon footprint by going to 550w power supply to a 750w power supply and what is this?
Global warming or not, people shouldn't be so wasteful. Pick up after yourselves, turn off the lights after yourselves, etc...
And sleep mode or not; unless you are running a dedicated server that is actually in use all the time, there is no need to leave your god- excuse me, computer on all the time.
While the debate rages on... if you take a step back and look at it from another view you will see that our earth is more polluted now than it has EVER been! AND THAT is directly because of human activity.... one thing I think we can all agree on!
I'd sooner say tackle the problem of pollution and that will indirectly tackle the problems that lead to "climate change". One big technology here to keep an eye on is bio-fuel from algae. Algae feeds on CO2 and produces an oily like film that can be harvested and turned into ANYTHING that petroleum is used for today. It still needs plenty of work but HUGE potential there and that's just one example.
What I don't agree with is how global warming is turning into a way for people to get taxed beyond belief. I don't think the soloution is cap-and-trade systems nor do I think pumping CO2 into the ground is any better.
It's going to take some technological breakthroughs and some lifestyle modification. In Europe and Japan, you guys are light years ahead. In the US and Canada.... there is a lot to be done! Being Canadian, I'm well aware of the ecological disaster that is the tar sands YET I also know that shutting down the tar sands today would lead to a serious shit show tomorrow! It can't and won't happen overnight BUT it can happen AND we can all benefit from it! Good money to be made too!
I'd sooner say tackle the problem of pollution and that will indirectly tackle the problems that lead to "climate change". One big technology here to keep an eye on is bio-fuel from algae. Algae feeds on CO2 and produces an oily like film that can be harvested and turned into ANYTHING that petroleum is used for today. It still needs plenty of work but HUGE potential there and that's just one example.
What I don't agree with is how global warming is turning into a way for people to get taxed beyond belief. I don't think the soloution is cap-and-trade systems nor do I think pumping CO2 into the ground is any better.
It's going to take some technological breakthroughs and some lifestyle modification. In Europe and Japan, you guys are light years ahead. In the US and Canada.... there is a lot to be done! Being Canadian, I'm well aware of the ecological disaster that is the tar sands YET I also know that shutting down the tar sands today would lead to a serious shit show tomorrow! It can't and won't happen overnight BUT it can happen AND we can all benefit from it! Good money to be made too!
Too bad this is in Finnish. I might translate it, though.
Too bad this is in Finnish. I might translate it, though.
And here it is:
Some of this makes more sense if you're familiar with Finnish online asininity as well as international online asininity. Replace "green-leftist groups" with "democrats" and "Southern media" with "liberal media", if you wish.
(ANGLIA OVERTURNED) Climate change has been proven to be a fictional phenomenon that doesn't actually exist in reality. The gigantic scandal that was uncovered on Tuesday is already rocking the foundations of the scientific community and political leadership.
The whole mess was unveiled in the afternoon EET, as several thousands of climate researchers, geophysics experts, geologicians, atmosphere researchers and biologicians confessed to having taken part in an enormous conspiracy for decades. The only purpose of this conspiracy was to convince people that the Earth is getting warmer.
"Unfortunately this is true. There is no climate change. Each and every one of us, approximately 12400 researchers, were involved for 30 years only to get one more year's worth of grants. Each autumn we told each other that this is the last time, next year we will be stopping. But one we had started, it just got harder and harder to stop", says the grand dragon of the conspiracy, Luther Blissett.
The conspiring researchers collected profits of up to several thousands of dollars with their criminal activity. Luther Blissett reminds that these profits could have never been reached by working for, for example, the tobacco industry or international oil companies.
"After all, those companies are only dealing with small change, compared to the bottomless vaults of environmental organizations or civic movements", says Blissett.
This revelation has evoked the question of how such an enormous conspiracy has managed to stay completely hidden for so long, but Blissett says the answer is quite siomple.
"This was taken care of by the all-reaching, invisible hand of green-leftist groups and hippies, neverending resources, and of course the Southern media."
The wildest theories state that scientists, labelled as traitors, have even been assassinated by a secret Greenpeace commando team. This dastardly plot began to unravel only after certain clever Internet forum writers started to notice confusing gaps and even methodological errors in the researchers' reports.
"and wat about this hockey stick theory i had a red titan hockey stick that side mike bossy when i was a kid, a right hand stick and it only reached my sholder if i weared skates so how cud this climayte change reach over centcheries. not to mention the immigrants", criticises civic activist Kalervo Hydrocephalic-Monkey.
The discernic statements of writers such as Hydrocephalic-Monkey eventually awoke even some of the more courageous political leaders such as MEP Eija-Riitta Korhola (checkcurrentparty). As the notion that reducing atmospheric pollution is actually a pretty fucking bad idea gained more foothold, the pressure on the conspiracy became overwhelming.
According to Lehti's sources, incandescent light bulbs and white Christmases will return to stores starting next week.
Some of this makes more sense if you're familiar with Finnish online asininity as well as international online asininity. Replace "green-leftist groups" with "democrats" and "Southern media" with "liberal media", if you wish.
half of asia is covered in smog, is that part of the scam too?
jobe, wow :-)
Men occupy a very small place upon the Earth. If the two billion inhabitants who people its surface were all to stand upright and somewhat crowded together, as they do for some big public assembly, they could easily be put into one public square twenty miles long and twenty miles wide. All humanity could be piled up on a small Pacific islet.
The grown-ups, to be sure, will not believe you when you tell them that. They imagine that they fill a great deal of space. They fancy themselves as important as the baobabs. You should advise them, then, to make their own calculations. They adore figures, and that will please them. But do not waste your time on this extra task. It is unnecessary. You have, I know, confidence in me.
From The Little Prince. Think about it.