fix me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
all done.
isn't Atari Fair "english" and Atari Messe "german" the same?
Youtube link for Newtek Demoreel 3 is here:
seppjo: yep
wade: not adding (mouse pointer on screen 50% of the time, blech)
wade: not adding (mouse pointer on screen 50% of the time, blech)
Video url for lu-01 by lusius at
no vimeo plz
Rowley: Fair enough. It's the only video capture I've been able to find though.
wade: hopefully someone will be motivated to make a better capture :)
Rowley Birkin: IMHO, Wades youtube link was good enough to make me realize that the NewTek DemoReel #3 was in fact quite boring ;) I'd suggest to include the link *until* someone feels motivated enough to make a better capture :)
Maybe it's one of those demos I love for nostalgic reasons, but hardly anyone else likes. :) I also noticed the "get close" picture didn't turn out on that capture btw.
I might have a go at capturing this and some other demos when I get a better CPU as I barely get 10fps at the moment.
I might have a go at capturing this and some other demos when I get a better CPU as I barely get 10fps at the moment.
wade, hermes: \o/
kyv: done
kyv: done
havoc: I might have missed this, but since vimeo is superious over youtube in every way (including downloadable videos), why is this not permitted? Pouet just doesn't support or what?
thec: it's because we don't want to clutter the prodpages too much, and already support youtube & demoscene specific videostreamers (dtv & capped mainly).
please update youtube link for quantum to final version
The prodtype for this should be Invitation, not Demo. Fuckings to glöpwh0re Magic.
There's a spam/fake user Here
please remove It says "demdscene" and I have uploaded a fixed version.