Cleaner Alternative Museum
category: general [glöplog]
Just to inform you that my website has recently been redesigned, upgraded with a lot of new content, and moved to a new url ( It features online galleries with my ASCii and ANSi artworks, all my demoscene productions, a download section with all the releases I was involved with, and various stuff. Spread the url around and enjoy :)
cleaner : tu es donc toujours vivant :)
Not to mention ansilove+++ <3
i looove cleaner, you spammer ;)
Woah nytrik! Long time :) You seem to be alive also heh! Are you still active on demoscene?
cleaner : yep !!
oh shit it's a frenchie attack
oh shit it's a frenchie attack : no worry about that !
French scene is half - dead
French scene is half - dead
nytrik: nice to see you're still active! watched the xvid of the intro and it was nice, especially the wireframe stuff :) I stopped being interested in demoscene in 2000/2001 myself, and almost didn't watch any demos since that time..
Hi everyone :) After three years of hiatus, I updated this site again. Did a whole redesign and added a lot of videos, amongst other stuff. Enjoy it at :
Get Exocet back and make some of those cute JFF prods again :)

magnifique ! bravo
Looking good.
Some really cool ANSI/ASCII!
Nice site and some good demos in it.
i love the title logo. so fresh!
Thanks for your kind comments everyone :)
Excellent work, Cleaner! =)

Krabob : what was this picture you tried to post? :)
Salut cleaner et bravo pour ton site ;)
Merci Sylvao, et bienvenue sur Pouet, ça fait plaisir de te revoir sur la scene après tout ce temps! Au final, on n'oublie jamais vraiment :)
click, clack, frenchie attack
great work there