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Movies you must see before you die

category: offtopic [glöplog]
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added on the 2009-11-19 18:31:01 by gentleman gentleman
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added on the 2009-11-19 19:14:58 by evil evil
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added on the 2009-11-19 19:32:42 by Tigrou Tigrou
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added on the 2009-11-19 21:28:53 by evil evil
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Great film!
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added on the 2009-11-20 17:12:12 by el mal el mal
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Pandorum + Moon.. best things of 2009
added on the 2009-11-20 20:45:32 by neoneye neoneye
Didn't get to see both, but gonna watch Moon on DVD in a mo.
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added on the 2009-11-20 22:04:47 by gentleman gentleman
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added on the 2009-11-20 22:12:23 by pOWL pOWL
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added on the 2009-11-20 22:30:38 by xernobyl xernobyl
Moon was great, loved it!
Anyone cared to watch "Mary & Max" ?
I think it was the best movie in a long time, and I have seen a lot movies..
added on the 2009-11-20 23:56:05 by xyz xyz
8-bit buggery: Moon gave me chills i hadn't felt since this awesome piece:

added on the 2009-11-21 00:01:10 by uncle-x uncle-x
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added on the 2009-11-21 00:01:31 by uncle-x uncle-x
Only watched that once, but not fully though, think I came in half way. But what I saw was really good. :)

Moon was definitely underrated. :(
uncle-x, you old fart ;) (yea, me too..)
However: check that one out, it is really worth your time.
Gattaca was nice but it was a very theoretical sci-fi movie,
Max and Mary is a much more down-to-earth movie
(prepare to shed a tear or two, so beware..but it is a master piece)
added on the 2009-11-21 00:06:11 by xyz xyz
Actually, saw Garden State and though that was pretty damned good. :D
..and about "moon": one of the best sci-fi movies ever.
makes me wanna repost this link: Moon OST - The Nursery
added on the 2009-11-21 00:08:52 by xyz xyz
It's just a shame I never saw it a a cinema. :(
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Aki Kaurismaki — Shadows In Paradise (1986)
added on the 2009-11-22 01:32:29 by svo svo
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added on the 2009-12-11 20:42:38 by magic magic
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added on the 2009-12-11 20:45:16 by magic magic
magic: I think I just jizzed in my pants!

When is it out?


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