When you see it....
category: general [glöplog]

pouet != 4chan. kthxbye.
i actually had to reverse-search the image to find out what the fuck is up with the picture.
most anticlimatic punchline ever.
most anticlimatic punchline ever.
jurassic park with lowbudget CG?
Your subscription to 'tannedcockandballs' has been added.
Your subscription to 'tannedcockandballs' has been added.
ah shit
oh well, cock and balls lol


Yay, pouet again rehashing memes from 2004!
The demoscene, always at least 5 years behind the world!
The demoscene, always at least 5 years behind the world!
Have you seen this hilarious old music video from Rick Astley? I post it to confuse people! It is glorious, epic and full of win!
The goggles, they do nothing! XD
Pedobear! XD XD!
lolwut? XD XD XD!
boxxy, queen of demoscene!

Best meme from 2004 was okkie! Remember okkie? LOL!