the pretty girls
category: general [glöplog]
please don't say you're NOT kidding. ROFL

we've found Shane's ex-GF
You mean Shane. He was the tiger. Unless ofcourse they broke up becuse she wanted to be the tiger.
or perhaps... SHANE IS A GIRL!
or maybe this isnt a real tiger!
Real tigers have more than two tits, they should have something like 6 or 8 I guess.
and they dont have ears like vampires...
anyway... shanes story rules
anyway... shanes story rules
shane: either you have that much originality to write such a story or it is real.. I suppose it is real.. :-)
Ofcourse it's real, who would come up with such a story if it wasn't real?
I'm just waiting for the blockbuster "Being Shane" ( a spin-off from the million seller "Being John Malkovich" ), now even stranger, more surreal and with a twist of some good old fetish sex!
I'm just waiting for the blockbuster "Being Shane" ( a spin-off from the million seller "Being John Malkovich" ), now even stranger, more surreal and with a twist of some good old fetish sex!
@__@ wow! I just read Shane's story ... I'm speechless.

shane, that was sick :)
kb and tigerwomen in the same thread. can one ask for more?
no.. no... this is what this thread needs:

ehrm... /"%#&%"
Get that ugly slut of this thread
So are you guys trying to tell me this is not normal behaviour? Surely some of you guys have your own secret bedroom fantasies, no?
Come on, someone must have played "the suffocating prince" and "the dirty horse" at least...?
Come on, someone must have played "the suffocating prince" and "the dirty horse" at least...?
One day or the other you had to face it : you're a freak Shane. ;)
Shane: I would like to have an explanation of "the suffocating prince"? Does it involve a "Prince Albert" piercing?
or outrageous bukkake action?
We have boys who beats your girls.
women beat their men
their men beat on the drums
their men beat on the drums
shane rulez
shane rulez