Armin Gessert passed away :-(
category: general [glöplog]
Armin Gessert, coder of "The Great Giana Sisters" died of a heart attack last Sunday (8th November 2009).
Here is the official statement (German):
Here is the official statement (German):
Always look on the brighter side of life.. :)
I'll get my coat.
I'll get my coat.
I´m very sorry to hear this bad piece of news.
Probably ´cause it makes me feel like the old fart I really am....
Let´s hope he didn´t suffer any pain.
Requiesquam in pace, Armin
I´m very sorry to hear this bad piece of news.
Probably ´cause it makes me feel like the old fart I really am....
Let´s hope he didn´t suffer any pain.
Requiesquam in pace, Armin
R.I.P. :'(
How old was he btw?
How old was he btw?

Thanks for the wasted hours.
Thanks for the wasted hours.
R.I.P. :(
oh, wie schade
He only lived 46 years. very sad news for all who knew him but his games will stay