Come to TRSAC (and take your pants off!)
category: general [glöplog]
i guess decipher misunderstood the message on the bigscreen - pants are usually worn on the lower part of your body (not the upper!)
My thoughts exactly - what a poser.

Moar pics, please.
Nutman: some additional pics by tFt were added on Slengpung 2-3 days ago.
Wooo.... I'm stoned there!
To all of you, who attended TRSAC:
Because we love you so much, and want to make next years edition of the TRSAC party even better, please take your time to fill in this short survey.
We appreciate your input!
Because we love you so much, and want to make next years edition of the TRSAC party even better, please take your time to fill in this short survey.
We appreciate your input!
Mit svar bliver nu vist i dit regneark!
også mit!
men det er jo ikke mit regneark - det er puryxysses.
201 pictures from TRSAC by tFt & company now public: - check out the photogallery!!
See ya' all at KG soon :)
201 pictures from TRSAC by tFt & company now public: - check out the photogallery!!
See ya' all at KG soon :)
Haha - some nice pictures in there. It's always funny to see a party from "another angle". Thanks for sharing the pictures!
hey cool! :) 

ååårhh lol, jamen jeg er helt færdig over det billede der :)
nice mirror image :)
HAHAHA, great pic farfar!
btw farfar, i cant wait to start the farfar screaming compo again :)
"Psycho Killer, what is it?
FarFar-FarFaaar-FarFar-FarFar-Far-Far, better
Run-run-run-run-run-run away"
FarFar-FarFaaar-FarFar-FarFar-Far-Far, better
Run-run-run-run-run-run away"

det ligner en manderøv.
Det er det også. En manderøv der står på hovedet i en top.
go' røv i den top!