A letter!
category: residue [glöplog]
which resulted in an infinite loop
which resulted in an infinite loop
of farts.
Wet farts. Very, very wet farts.
which resulted in an infinite loop
of farts.
which resulted in an infinite loop
of farts.
which resulted in an infinite loop
of farts.
which resulted in an infinite loop
of farts.
Bor opened the door for Stoffel, and then
Stoffel revealed his masterplan about how get rid of
the evil sadistic dictator Meneer de Uil.
Meneer de Uil became a scientology member a few years ago and he wants to force the laws of
extortion and torture as dictated by Tom Cruise
. He set an example by not allowing psychiatric help for Meindert het Paard who was very depressed and later commited suicide.
This led to a revolt among the Grote Dierenbos crackwhore population, spearheaded by Isadora Paradijsvogel and Juffrouw Ooievaar.
However, I am very tired after all this so I have to end this letter now.
But not after I tell you about how Meneer de Uil ended the revolt. First he called Tom Cruise to ask for advice and then
he decapitated Isadora Paradijsvogel and Juffrouw Ooievaar with a
giant, flaming
bottle of