demomaker dream team
category: general [glöplog]
But then you'd have to wait until someone invents a time machine?
Nobody said "alive OR dead". :D
you're really a connoisseur when you cant even write Dali correctly :D
You can't even decide how to spell your name. :P
Salvador Mahli of course
barti, karl, destop, yolk, legend, haplo, ra, dune, feather, croaker, hoplite, der piipo, groo, virne, moby and melon design. yep.
barti? you want to see demos with his penis in it?
barti, solo2, anakibob, magic, maali
Totally crazy larry from the muppets.

I suspect maybe our demos wouldn't be so good but I think we'd make up for it by blowing shit up

I suspect maybe our demos wouldn't be so good but I think we'd make up for it by blowing shit up
hey, that is my line!
@tomaes: i hope the cucumber isn't metaphor for 'pain in the ass'? :D
I think Rowley has "grumpy old git" syndrome. :P
barti, solo2, anakibob, magic, maali
I'd actually like to see that demo.
It probably wouldn't get finished as they'd be fighting. :P
gloom : the rumor says maali does music... wait a second it s maybe graohics or code... does anyone one have a clue ?
afaik, the jobs are divided as follows:
code: barti/solo2
music: anakibob
gfx: maali
support/promotion: magic
code: barti/solo2
music: anakibob
gfx: maali
support/promotion: magic
I would love to see what dr.skull and Alien are capable of, on todays hardware.
Rowley Birkin: you forgot Xernobyl.
keops: i guessed he did not have any useful skills to add to that dreamteam, but please feel free to correct me :)
Havoc: you fucking had me laughing out loud at "support/promotion: magic". :D
but.. but.. it's not a joke! :P
regarding that dreamteam: I'm game!
I'm wondering if we'll be seeing any dream team made entries already at BP'10? :)
The "no time constraints" would be bloody great. Could spend loads of time perfecting the demo.
i think the team that worked on Rush Hour 2 was quite a dream team :D