Random alcohol thread
category: general [glöplog]
beer, meh! vodka, MEH! and someone already mentioned that egg thingie your dutch granny always drinks whenever it's available. NEE!
Finnish ladies try to be lady-like (yeah right, good try!), so they drink cider:

Weston's Vintage, British dry apple cider, 8.2%, tastes goooood but is expensive like shit here (that is, pint for 8.50 euros or so). At least it has some TASTE. In comparison, 'Jillz' (Dutch cider, wtf) is only good for washing your dishes. Or floor. I guess they had Kopparberg or some other 'cider' to start with, but then they WATERED IT DOWN. It actually says pretty much that in the back label. Hrr.
And of course, we like red wine:

It's good as long as it's Carménère. And since you can get that only from Chile, we're pretty much stuck with some brands. But it's cheap, just 8 euros a bottle, and it's good.
And because we *try* to blend in, we *try* to drink beer but this is as close as we get:

Ah, the cherry beer. Or they say it's beer, it more tastes like the cherry juice that's been opened in the fridge for too long. But it's good, too! And very girly.
The difference between me and the Dutch is that while we both drink Belgian beer, I don't make jokes of the Belgians like Dutch do. But that's OK, we're even - and have fun while getting drunk together on demoparties! Yay!
Finnish ladies try to be lady-like (yeah right, good try!), so they drink cider:

Weston's Vintage, British dry apple cider, 8.2%, tastes goooood but is expensive like shit here (that is, pint for 8.50 euros or so). At least it has some TASTE. In comparison, 'Jillz' (Dutch cider, wtf) is only good for washing your dishes. Or floor. I guess they had Kopparberg or some other 'cider' to start with, but then they WATERED IT DOWN. It actually says pretty much that in the back label. Hrr.
And of course, we like red wine:

It's good as long as it's Carménère. And since you can get that only from Chile, we're pretty much stuck with some brands. But it's cheap, just 8 euros a bottle, and it's good.
And because we *try* to blend in, we *try* to drink beer but this is as close as we get:

Ah, the cherry beer. Or they say it's beer, it more tastes like the cherry juice that's been opened in the fridge for too long. But it's good, too! And very girly.
The difference between me and the Dutch is that while we both drink Belgian beer, I don't make jokes of the Belgians like Dutch do. But that's OK, we're even - and have fun while getting drunk together on demoparties! Yay!
I had one of this years october-fest special brews from münchen given to me from a friend at it was one of the best beers I've had... very light and very easy to drink.. which I like in beer sometimes :-)

hooverphonique: yep.
tastes very good :)
tastes very good :)
styx: Lots of Glen*.* you got there.. you sure love your Speyside Malts :)
I think you would enjoy this one:

Cask strength <3
I think you would enjoy this one:

Cask strength <3







White Russian, no ice, no vodka, hold the Kahlua.
White Russian is a girly drink.
White Russian is a girly drink.
Anything wrong with that? ;)
You are acting very undude :(
You are acting very undude :(
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Yeah, but wasn't talking to you ;)
Now I will go and pull the trigger until it goes *click*
Now I will go and pull the trigger until it goes *click*
Yeah, now I noticed, my bad, blame lack of sleep ;)
Anyway, this will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not stand, man!
Anyway, this will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not stand, man!
the only way to drink a white russian
on a persian rug whilst doing tai chi in your bath robe
on a persian rug whilst doing tai chi in your bath robe
oh fuckit.. yes fuckit, tattoo it on your forehead... the revolution's over.. the bums lost!