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I really feel I must proclame...

category: general [glöplog]
...this is a troll thread. Take with a generous pinch of <reality|salt>
[???iii pop culture icons!!!, who will win?]
$$$ 091016 I declare John Thomas to be the troll king - POUET???
I declare myself to be a little horse[:hoarse:]
*bob is robot monkey man
added on the 2009-10-16 09:54:11 by (=BBoFH=) (=BBoFH=)
I really deserve my own forum. For the joy I bring.

Dibs on Snoggo Snigger Hahaha, Silly

Boxes an manuals\.\']]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Poopy Baby Yoshi Turns Me on = the guy shipping from + the gleaming stars watch solemnly casting no judgement

watch out you might get some babys poop in w/ your cartridge...........hahah......sorry mod just makin it hyphy online

ill buy bomberman for 4 bucks paypal
Turds in magma.
(delete this thread)
*bob is a "phase invertor master thief" and a "joyrneyman minstrel."
*bob is exiled "king of the retards"
*bob /-is mute except in the onliner and in his blog-/
(=except in these and those theads he started himself=)
added on the 2009-10-16 09:57:36 by (=BBoFH=) (=BBoFH=)

*bob has been officially <$catslapped!>
added on the 2009-10-16 09:58:16 by (=BBoFH=) (=BBoFH=)
shoo shoo, back to 4chan you!
added on the 2009-10-16 11:58:00 by skrebbel skrebbel


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