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.kkapture 0.01 - demo capturing made easy (hopefully)

category: code [glöplog]
added on the 2009-05-15 18:23:19 by rudi rudi
This is RRPITS - rygs royal pain in the ass again ;)

I tried kkapturing Peon - Movement with v0.08 and noticed a problem. The visuals are sort of stuttering as if there was some timing problem. It is only noticeable when I kkapture the demo. Tried different framerates and options.
The is a short video demostrating the effect here (Xvid, 2.5MB).
added on the 2009-06-09 21:00:20 by raer raer
I'm having troubles kkapturing some 4k intros, e.g. this one. I believe the problem is with the 4klang softsynth (when running in threaded bkg playing mode).
added on the 2009-08-11 23:55:13 by tonic tonic
either its the threaded version or in general the IEEE float format that is used in 4klang for the output buffers.

i released a new version (2.6) a few days ago which now offers the option to use standard 16 bit soundbuffers instead of the IEEE float buffers.

in any case the author of the product needs to create a new binary with those settings (precalc, 16bit)
added on the 2009-08-12 00:07:35 by gopher gopher
If kkapture doesn't record the sound, just record it with Audacity, cut it, and mix it with the video via VirtualDub.
added on the 2009-08-12 02:43:49 by Salinga Salinga
i made some changes post-kkapture 0.08 for the scene.org awards regarding sound handling. basically, all AVI-supporting apps I've tried barf on floating-point audio formats, and around 80% can't deal with WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE at all.

i'll make a new release with this and some other fixes tonight, i guess :)
added on the 2009-08-12 09:38:43 by ryg ryg
on second thought, make that friday. :)

not in the mood for coding.
added on the 2009-08-12 22:32:34 by ryg ryg
*holds his breath* ;)
added on the 2009-08-13 00:54:08 by raer raer
*exhales* So, uhm. Which month? ;D
added on the 2009-08-21 00:29:53 by raer raer
wear that nice pink bra, maybe it'll get ryg in the mood
added on the 2009-08-21 00:37:45 by el mal el mal
I mean come on you are trying to get the guy who was supposed to be releasing .kkrieger final some years ago, to code... good luck with that. :P
added on the 2009-08-21 00:41:08 by decipher decipher

Seriously, come on, it's amazing it works at all. Our capturetool of 4 years ago attempted to hook libraries; his injects binary code. Gets my respect.
added on the 2009-08-21 08:41:03 by trixter trixter
actually, it does just hook libraries, and that part wasn't even written by me (in the released versions, at least... :)
added on the 2009-08-21 10:44:38 by ryg ryg
trixter: ouch :D
added on the 2009-08-21 10:50:41 by decipher decipher
So... is it okay to anger THE RYG now, or..? I'm confused!
added on the 2009-08-21 10:52:20 by gloom gloom
Can't wait for a new release to test :D
added on the 2009-08-21 11:08:22 by mSW mSW
Hey ryg, come on, you can do it! :)
added on the 2009-08-21 11:11:20 by xTr1m xTr1m
bah, seriously, you try spending your spare time coding when it's this hot :)

version 0.09 released. mostly audio-related fixes, plus (yet again) improved new startup interception, which should now work with address space layout randomization enabled (if you ever wondered why some demos would kkapture fine under xp but not vista, that's one likely reason). kkapture now auto-downconverts float audio to 16bit pcm since most AVI-reading apps don't like it (much).
added on the 2009-08-22 20:47:18 by ryg ryg
thanks :)
added on the 2009-08-22 20:50:28 by ferris ferris
finally! :D
thanks ryg
added on the 2009-08-22 21:03:34 by gopher gopher
added on the 2009-08-22 22:02:45 by bartman bartman
added on the 2009-08-22 22:06:22 by raer raer
I have sometimes some sound glitches/dropouts when capturing a demo.

You can hear these glitches here:

Blunderbuss for example captures fine (because of MP3 playback?).

I capture with 28,97 FPS, AVI (VfW segmented). I use Xvid MPEG-4-Codec with about 10 Mbits (Single-Pass encoding and Highdef-Profile). Do you need more infos?
added on the 2009-10-11 16:09:59 by Salinga Salinga
Try using the BMP+.WAV writer with "capture video" disabled and check if the problem persists. If it does, it's definitely a bug in kkapture itself, if it doesn't, it's likely to be something weird.

Also, try it with some of the older version if you can. There were some significant changes to the sound code in 0.08 and 0.09, so if you can try 0.07 and see if the problem also occurs there.
added on the 2009-10-11 16:19:50 by ryg ryg


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