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Amiga vs Atari

category: general [glöplog]
evil, i have one, and no you cant have it :P (I have my own museum to cater to...)

Anyway, it's not very useful without the psu and (external only) floppy drive, so it's just for show :)
added on the 2008-12-23 13:32:11 by nerve nerve
earx, I have several 520 ST, but all are with TOS in ROM.
added on the 2008-12-23 13:52:29 by evil evil
for real? 520 ST without 'm' or 'f' ?
added on the 2008-12-23 15:35:40 by earx earx
added on the 2008-12-23 16:37:13 by cyb0rg cyb0rg
earx, yes for real :-) I got three of them. They do have modulators but no m on the logo
added on the 2008-12-23 19:11:04 by evil evil
evil: it's not so hard to remove the TOS ROM from your 520.. or even better, install a ROM switcher so you can have both TOS in ROM and no TOS on the same machine! :P
added on the 2008-12-23 19:37:39 by havoc havoc
earx: evil probably just removed the m himself to have something special ;)
added on the 2008-12-23 21:58:47 by fiveofive fiveofive
Fake 520ST - we all got one.
added on the 2008-12-23 22:58:19 by Zweckform Zweckform
not really no...
added on the 2008-12-23 22:59:23 by El Topo El Topo
El Topo: This is about collectors, not people.
added on the 2008-12-23 23:02:05 by Zweckform Zweckform

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MEEEEERRRRYYYY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!!!sixty-eight
added on the 2008-12-23 23:20:52 by havoc havoc
Hey, someone scrawled on the box !
added on the 2008-12-23 23:27:33 by Zweckform Zweckform
Ok, so I have an Unexpanded Atart ST 520 , and I'm pretty sure it has TOS roms, because the last time I used it properly in 2001/02 I could load the Master tracks Jr. Software without booting from any system disks.

Now I want answers to the following questions.

1-What demos are the best for this platform? Now I have a couple of GM keyboards and a Yamaha DX-27, so anything which requires these for sound is favourable. Remember my system is UNEXPANDED (512kb, 14Mhz 68000)

2-What games which are not also available for Amiga are worth more than 30mins. playtime?

3-What reputable dealers are selling expansions/peripherals for the ST series? I guess I'm going to need at least a total of of 1024Kb to get much joy out of this system.


Boy is my face red

This probably has more to do with me forgetting to apply sunscreen before enjoying our beautiful Australian summer, than any foolish comments I may have made.
Not mentioning the Tasmanian Devils...

Yes, best not mention them, as they are facing extinction due to pestilence.

i HAVE AN aMIGA 5000!



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added on the 2009-09-28 18:38:50 by sigflup sigflup
That pic is from 1985.

That pic owns!
added on the 2009-09-28 18:45:36 by okkie okkie
I doubt that pick is from 1985, look at the guys camera, the keyboards and the tower PC in the background and the guy to the rights very gayish style, I would say 1996.
dubmood: correct, and that's not saying anything about the iconography either.
Look, all I know is that I think that woman is hot.
added on the 2009-09-28 19:12:37 by sigflup sigflup
Any chick with an Amiga tatoo would have to be hot to me, even if she was 300Kg and smelled like a zoo. heh.

But yes. She does have a very cute nose, and for the record anakirob is a bit of a nose man. If you know what I'm getting at.

Oh, if you're out there mistery sexy Amiga lady, surely you are still a MILF, call me!
.._~*In their minds it's 1985 forever*~-..
added on the 2009-09-28 19:36:27 by okkie okkie
okkie: I think you mean

.._~*In okkie's minds it's 1985 forever*~-..
In my mind it's 2009!

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added on the 2009-09-28 19:52:10 by okkie okkie
Okkie: your forgot Anoraak, sacre bleu!
added on the 2009-09-29 11:39:53 by earx earx
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Says it all really. :)
added on the 2009-09-29 12:53:35 by gloom gloom


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