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Come to TRSAC (and take your pants off!)

category: general [glöplog]
I'm naked right now!
added on the 2009-09-09 18:18:31 by farfar farfar
The dream is alive, I can run up the hills every night,
go around and see another side of the tree.
All I want is to be untamed and free, howl and (dream).

The dream is alive, with the moon on the hills every night,
run around and see another side of the tree.
Freedom has a meaning for me, you can't tame me...

The dream is alive, I can run up the hills every night,
go around and see another side of the tree.
All I want is to be untamed and free, howl and (dream).

The dream is alive, with the moon on the hills every night,
go around and see another side of the tree.
Freedom has a meaning for me...
added on the 2009-09-15 22:16:14 by nic0 nic0
Så, jeg ankommer til København den 15. Oktober. Og, jeg har måske brug for et sted for natten. ELLER, en nat / aften af pre-party boozing i byen kan også være godt (Mentor, vil du det?).

Så, jeg har brug for en aktivitet eller et sted indtil jeg tager toget til Århus (med Mentor? Måske?). Nogen kan give mig af disse?
added on the 2009-09-17 09:56:51 by decipher decipher
try ungeren.dk or visitcopenhagen.dk :)
yup, tak Rasmus :)
added on the 2009-09-17 10:19:22 by decipher decipher
or watch this ad karen26
haha now that is the true activity to be performed on arrival. "seek karen26's baby's dad".
added on the 2009-09-17 10:39:11 by decipher decipher
not to mention for outsiders of the huge fuckup going on: karen26's baby's dad doesn't exist considering karen26's baby doesn't exist, and nobody can stay 1.5 years without sex :P.
added on the 2009-09-17 10:42:15 by decipher decipher
well, the actor the acts the role as karen26 exists and she is infact danish (and not to be categorised as ugly).
actor = actress
i hear mentor givers out free beer to anyone visiting him.
added on the 2009-09-17 22:53:23 by nic0 nic0
fuck the beer, we can always have some more:
BB Image
added on the 2009-09-17 22:55:25 by decipher decipher
is magic man on the low-carb side of things or why would you "fuck beer"? :)
added on the 2009-09-17 22:56:57 by dalezy dalezy
dlz: you have no idea how awesome magic man can be! breakpoint official drink: magic man vodka. :P
added on the 2009-09-17 22:58:22 by decipher decipher
magic man makes your body feel like finnish power metal
added on the 2009-09-18 12:46:03 by nic0 nic0
www.trsac.dk now boasts 95 signups with a little under half of those already prepaid (to get the juicy dinner service which is STILL AVAILABLE - that requires prepaying).

The party has room for 100 people, but usually not everyone on an attendee-list turns up... meaning there's still room for roughly a good 20 more so GET MOVING lads and ladies :)
added on the 2009-09-19 15:00:00 by nic0 nic0
jeg kommer først lørdag awten.
Blir det hakkebøff på menyen?
added on the 2009-09-19 19:47:31 by tFt tFt
added on the 2009-09-19 22:26:01 by dwarf dwarf
i actually think it isnt pølles køkken, but the venues... but yeah :)
added on the 2009-09-20 18:00:38 by nic0 nic0
Vil det være 24h tuborg support? Eller stenger det med kafeteria?
Når åpner kafeteria?
added on the 2009-09-22 13:53:54 by tFt tFt
tft: de lukker vist klokken 2, men så vidt jeg kunne forstå overlader de ølsalg til os bagefter, så det BURDE være åbent så længe nogen af os er vågne =) det skal vi nok lige tjekke op på når Puryx kommer hjem fra ferie (den 25.)

- jeg ved ikke præcist hvornår de åbner, men jeg forestiller mig det er klokken 9 eller deromkring.
added on the 2009-09-22 14:47:29 by farfar farfar
hvis det gælder øl kan man vække puryx ANY TIME og købe dem :)

og ellers er der ikke voldsomt langt til nærmeste tankstation, højst en 2-3 kilometer :)
added on the 2009-09-22 15:39:56 by nic0 nic0
tuborg er carlsberg med mer lort! vi skal have nogle reelle øl!
added on the 2009-09-22 15:42:16 by decipher decipher
Ingen øl er bedre enn den EKTE DANSKE GRØNNE TUBORG på GLASS. Tuborg tappet i alle andre land er LORT(inkl den norske Tuborg).
added on the 2009-09-22 16:02:07 by tFt tFt


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