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breakpoint vote system did it once again..

category: general [glöplog]
Don't you think breakpoint orgos should change the vote system?

Is It really better winnerdemo than xmix2004?
added on the 2004-04-16 04:03:27 by mrdoob mrdoob
I think the COMPO did it, not the votingsystem.

People fucking fell asleep during the compo, and not because they where neciserrelly really tired before the compo.. It was just, to many productions, to bad productions..

Well, rather, to many, looking-the-same productions..

We where like "one more synchdemo with bad techno/electro sound and I will PUKE".. If we wouldve puked each time this happent then well.. It wouldnt smell to good in the hall :)

If you check last year, the good demos won, why? Because they where outstanding over the mass, this year this didn't happen.

Demomakers should learn this:
Making a demo for a democompo, doesnt mean you are making a demo wich will get to you after watched it ten times in earphones in a darkroom at home without distractions.

If you enter a democompo with a booring demo, most people will find it: booring! And just drink/chat to the people next to you, waiting for an oustanding production, unless it is < 5-6 prods ofcourse, then people can remain focused... So: either do preselection like Assembly does, or just make partydemos.

You dont need a democompo to release a demo.
added on the 2004-04-16 04:31:04 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
anyway, a good selected jury (like scene.org awards) voting should fix it too.
added on the 2004-04-16 04:39:17 by mrdoob mrdoob
well, i didnt meet anyone at bp that agreed to the nominations of anything exept for "yellow rose of texas" and "the popular demo", so .. well ;)

I however, think the ASM way is good.. Take in anyone (like.. 20-30 people) let them vote for the majority.. And let the compos be what people want.. This doesnt mean its the best demos, it just means that the visitors will enjoy the compo, wich is why they are leaving the big party to sit down and watch the damn bigscreen..
added on the 2004-04-16 04:42:42 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
There are no systems without flaws. People have different views on everything and that's why we have competitions in the first place, the whole idea is to make something that appeals to the majority of the public.

There are disagreements even inside the scene.org jury, I for one can't understand who nominated 'a significant deformation to the cranium' for best effects or unique with their gba demo 'phloam' for breakthrough performance but that is my (very personal might i ass) opinion and should not be confused with the outcome of the scene.org awards as the other jury members views.

I do my part by voting, both as a scene.org juror and as a breakpoint visitor, and if the outcome differes from how I voted, well, that's tough luck. But that's how voting works.
added on the 2004-04-16 06:14:11 by a_lee_n a_lee_n
no jury please! demoscene should remain a direct democracy, even if democitizens are dumb and dumbers ;)

and demoscene isn't the first to worry about : indeed has breakpoint04 audience voted for Metalvotze but look at western democracies : they are ruled by some Bush, Blair, Berlusconi, Aznar, and... Chirac !

ah sorry, no more Aznar ! kudos to Spaniards then ! ;)
added on the 2004-04-16 09:06:29 by Zest Zest
Oh, for fuck sake... who gets more votes wins, and that's how it goes. Building up strategies and socio-politics argumentations is just a waste of time... the demoscene is for the kicks you get from it, not to pose for a photo with your eventual ATI banner.
added on the 2004-04-16 09:21:27 by dixan dixan
jeez, shall we elect a demoparty jury every 3 years with a 2/3 majority or what? are you guys insane?
voting is fun, i don't want to miss it. and when i imagine what _might_ have been shown if there were a jury selecting "the best" demos for the audience i better would've gone to sleep before the compo. sorry to say, but most demos were just boring...

For the most I have to second Stefan (and it still hurts every time ;). There's only one measurement for demos when it comes to voting at parties: Impact.

This is why eg. our finnish MFX/KWL posse (who produce one top demo after the other) never win. You need either time or the right mood or the right mind set for appreciating their demos, and normally NONE of this is given at a demo compo. People there want to be entertained, and as sad as it is - if your demo isn't entertaining to a boozed-into-dumbness audience who are already half asleep from the last three days, you can't stand a chance.

And this is the one thing Metalfotze really excelled in. Their productions (PC Demo and the two Wild entries, can't remember any rest ;) had attitude, style and much of that impact. They made people laugh at the compo - in contrast to almost the whole rest which failed to induce any emotional reaction in the audience whatsoever.

So please. If you have just been 0wned by a bunch of ascii pr0n punks, always remember: That's embarassing for YOU, not THEM. Do something about it, but stop all this damn whining.
added on the 2004-04-16 11:19:36 by kb_ kb_
kudos to kb 4 his on-the-spot last two sentences!!
added on the 2004-04-16 12:16:32 by mct mct
As a side note, it was fun watching the groups of people complaining about the votes, most of them still with their breakpoint badges on...

If you don't vote, don't complain :)
added on the 2004-04-16 12:40:00 by ryg ryg
that metalvotze win is more embarassing for the voters than for metalvotze, me thinks.

Competitions should just die, me thinks ;)
added on the 2004-04-16 13:15:55 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Voters don't always have right, that is a historical fact. Just look at the Usa, they voted Bush Jr for president (well, he didn't exactly win by majority but atleast he won ;-) ) and alot of people that wasn't there or choose not to vote has alot to say about it. Well, that has nothing to do about BP04 but that how it is. The majority has always wrong, inversed democracy! :-)
If Winnerdemo would be the worst shit in years it shouldn't have won. The majority of Breakpointer's thought it was the winner and therfore it's the most crowd pleasing demo available at that moment.
So, what's the fuzz really about? This should be great news. Now all coders now that hard work isn't what's needed! You can booze your ass off and code the last minutes before deadline and still have a decent shot at winning. :-D
added on the 2004-04-16 13:29:57 by ekoli ekoli
Ahaha,. I am still at the netcafe paying 5,10euros,. hahahaha,. that comment from KB was really good! Cool =)
added on the 2004-04-16 14:04:07 by Optimus Optimus
The ascii pron punks must have an attitude different from mine.. one thing I'd hate more than losing to a crap prod is winning with one. (The worst is when your utter crap somehow becomes a moral winner and you get flooded with free beer for no good reason..;)
added on the 2004-04-16 14:16:15 by 216 216
The Ascii Porn Punks don't mind being 1. or not, but have a good laugh with all this discussions here :-) Okay, one of our members can afford electricity now again (the line got cut off one day before breakpoint and he bothered his neighbour really alot, until he allowed him to burn the wild entrywith his power, hahahah) so overall the voters did a good deed ;-)
The fact is the majority have made their wishes clear and the rest of us can only sit back now and stop wasting time trying to make quality stuff.
added on the 2004-04-16 14:55:53 by Wade Wade
I think you make quality stuff because you love it, not for winning a democompo. My child dream would be to do a really cool and optimized demo (if I ever kick my ass from my current condition :), not because of winning, but because I am obsessed with that. Now, why would the results stop the real sceners out there follow their own path?
added on the 2004-04-16 14:59:53 by Optimus Optimus
216: Good to know, more beer for us next time :)
added on the 2004-04-16 15:01:37 by kb_ kb_
we have demos that can beat metalvotze's demos
added on the 2004-04-16 15:26:53 by tomcat tomcat
Optimus: Maybe that's my perspective. I don't love the process of creating scene work any more, just the sense of achievement it brings.

But when people say things like "Your pic is copied, anyone can do that/you're wasting your time" it makes more sense to "waste my time" playing games, hanging out with friends/women etc.

I'm sure the "It's only a flyby" or "Another boring HJB ripoff" comments have the same effect.

Well, each to their own. I still like to be amazed by complex coding skills, intricate graphics and melodious music, so I'll continue to watch and praise them as long as they exist.
added on the 2004-04-16 15:37:59 by Wade Wade
show 'em!
added on the 2004-04-16 17:11:37 by chromag chromag
And you just don't do better... Another crap demo in the compo...where is the sense. Just give a fuck on the comments people give here, but enjoy what they say in real and personally to you. Metalvotze is doing their own stuff since over 10 years now, regardless of what comments we get (mostly thumbs down anyway, haha) As long as i know my stuff is really handmade and all that is fun for _me_ i am okay with it. Where is the problem as long as your group and friends are behind you anyway? Or is exactly the groupbackground missing? That would be really poor.

if you are a german demogroup who want to win a compo with a stylish technical (and boring?) demo then you should come to SOTA !

indeed look at the winners of former past editions :
mfx with a deepness in the sky in 2002 and black maiden with interceptor in 2004 !

OK you can not rank 1st as it's reserved to deserving domestic Cocoon but 2nd place is all yours :)

French parties may lack the booze fun but the vote is usually a little bit fairer ;p


added on the 2004-04-16 20:32:04 by Zest Zest
A party without the booze??? it is teh horror! Sober demosceners? ESCAPE WHO CAN, RUN FOR YER LIFE! :>
added on the 2004-04-16 21:12:42 by eye eye


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