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In this episode I talk with iq/rgba - about thirty minutes in

category: general [glöplog]
audio link

yeah, I know I mix-up terms. I always tend to mix terms up when they come out of my mouth.
added on the 2009-08-29 07:28:54 by sigflup sigflup
Seems everyone is interviewing iq these days... :-)
added on the 2009-08-29 09:07:48 by friol friol
i recently interviewed amusic, it was not a big success!
added on the 2009-08-29 15:25:19 by el mal el mal
i love that cheesy show intro music :)
added on the 2009-08-29 17:14:23 by button button
why thank you, rtype :)
added on the 2009-08-29 19:17:36 by sigflup sigflup
But that's not a chiptune! :(
added on the 2009-08-29 21:06:39 by mrdoob mrdoob
sounded kinda sega-genesis-like to me, I didn't give it too much thought. I've been known to over-classify music as chiptunes.

Next time trace, next time I'll bring you a tune so damn arpeggiated and full of buzz and square waves you'll probably start to cry. I'll make it up for you next time. Any suggested as for a good tune? has to be scene-music, of course.
added on the 2009-08-29 21:12:42 by sigflup sigflup
From beek, "beehive" :)
added on the 2009-08-29 21:14:58 by xTr1m xTr1m
You talking this beek? Having a little trouble finding beehive. Do you have any hints?
added on the 2009-08-29 21:49:16 by sigflup sigflup
Last time I heard a chiptune I really liked was the second part of latest fairlight demo. Which isn't 100% chiptune, but sounds like.

Going back to the topic, I'm really enjoying the interview / conversation (still listening).
added on the 2009-08-29 21:49:43 by mrdoob mrdoob
Pearls for Pigs had also a great chiptune.
added on the 2009-08-29 21:52:35 by mrdoob mrdoob
pearls of pigs is actually pretty cool! Also, yeah I totally dug the last part of frameranger's soundtrack. The whole this is pretty cool, mind you. This isn't chiptune-music, but what did you think of media error's soundtrack? I really dug the minimal turntably style of it.
added on the 2009-08-29 23:30:05 by sigflup sigflup
added on the 2009-08-30 09:52:03 by xTr1m xTr1m
You gotta love http://chiptune.com/
added on the 2009-08-30 09:52:37 by xTr1m xTr1m
Have downloaded, will listen tomorrow on the daily commute. Already I love the tune you opened with ;-)
added on the 2009-08-30 21:16:51 by trixter trixter
what is the last song in the podcast with a piano?
added on the 2011-03-04 05:54:35 by SLeo SLeo
I would have prefered a bit more technical interview, but it is good in any case!
added on the 2011-03-04 18:20:25 by texel texel
STS-04: Instant Zen by Synesthetics
thank you, sigflup!
added on the 2011-03-05 09:57:39 by SLeo SLeo
I'm currently listening to it... I like the idea - but explaining basic ray-tracing without any visualization seems to be the worst idea ever...
added on the 2011-03-05 14:08:52 by las las
Okay... Serious question: Target audience? I mean - people who don't know ray-tracing at will learn far more by reading the wikipedia article (I guess only a few total beginners will understand how that stuff works after your explanation)... The others - familiar with ray-tracing - will learn absolutely nothing from that introduction.
added on the 2011-03-05 14:15:52 by las las
I didn't spend too much time thinking about the target audience.
added on the 2011-03-05 16:40:13 by sigflup sigflup
it's an excuse to talk to people I like
added on the 2011-03-05 16:42:09 by sigflup sigflup
hehehe ;)
Okay - yeah, hmm what texel said, I guess there was absolutely nothing new for the active guys in the ray-marching threads.
Except for the fact that it seems iq's shadow calculation is a little bit different from what I do and the magic combination of the 5 distances along the ray to the light is still kept secret ;)
added on the 2011-03-05 17:05:56 by las las


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