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category: general [glöplog]
Adok: how are you actually being restricted in how you lead your life?
added on the 2009-08-23 11:53:27 by farfar farfar
what exactly is "logically consistent" supposed to mean? national socialism and islamism are "logically consistent" as well in a certain sense.
added on the 2009-08-23 12:32:39 by rac rac
farfar: That's a good question... Actually, I'm not restricted at all. But I'd like everybody else to be non-restricted, as well. (Unless they voluntarily want to be restricted - but in that case, they have no right to restrict others!)
added on the 2009-08-23 13:09:41 by Adok Adok
I don't think it's even really relevant as I don't think there are Pirate parties using skull and crossbones as their symbol specifically. Anyway, many symbols have lots of different interpretations and I have a hard time believing that there was any connection between freemasonry and the pirates of old.
added on the 2009-08-23 13:14:16 by slux slux
Adok: So.. you would like to tell everybody else how to do things, in a manner of speaking? Don't you find that a little ironic? :)

I think Aristoteles said it best: for all things, we must find the point of balance where they are just right, neither too much, nor too little. Obviously that's a thought inspired by nature where everything will reach a state of equilibrium, and it doesn't really say anything concrete about what we ought to be doing, but I think he's right none the less =)

added on the 2009-08-23 14:27:20 by farfar farfar
The world doesn't need more "me me me", it needs more "us us us".

Oh, and Adok is a moron.
added on the 2009-08-23 14:59:03 by gloom gloom
i IMPLORE Adok to stop mixing up his politics hobby with the other hobby that is demoscene, cos quite frankly, who gives a fuck?
The libertarians in the U.S. are a bunch of moonshine drinking rednecks who want to be able to bring their shotguns to wal-mart and definitely don't want to pay taxes.
added on the 2009-08-23 17:56:57 by linde linde
Which also means that the people who want a libertarian government are also the ones that are least capable of sustaining it without turning the country into "Lord of the Flies"
added on the 2009-08-23 18:00:52 by linde linde
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added on the 2009-08-23 18:07:06 by kurli kurli
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added on the 2009-08-23 18:11:04 by src src
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added on the 2009-08-23 18:49:31 by neoneye neoneye
adok, go make a demo about it!

We fascists are the only true anarchists
added on the 2009-08-23 19:19:59 by martin martin
src: I'm sort of tired of people just taking screenshots of Threadless t-shirts to make less-funny internet memes.
added on the 2009-08-23 21:16:01 by gloom gloom

Libertarian green nazis!

I love those guys, especially considering they are not kidding.
added on the 2009-08-23 22:39:23 by Deus Deus

تحية طيبة وبعد،

شكرا علي زيارتك لموقعنا، ونعلمكم بإن وكالة الاستخبارات المركزية (CIA) ملتزمة
بحماية أمن الولايات المتحدة. ونحن نقّدر مساهمة ألاشخاص الذين يتضامنون معنا ، في كل
أنحاء العالم ويشاركوننا في رؤيتنا من اجل الأمن والاستقرار. إذا كان بحوزتك أي معلومات
تعتقد بأنها قد تكون مهمة لحكومة الولايات المتحدة، الرجاء أن تزودنا بهذه المعلومات عبر
موقعنا الآمن على الانترنت.

إذا كان في حوزتك معلومات عن هجمات وشيكة من قبل المتمردين أو الإرهابيين ضد المدنيين
أو البنية التحتية أو الأماكن العامة أو المصالح الأمريكية، فإننا نطلب منك تزويدنا بهذه
المعلومات عبر موقعنا الآمن على الانترنت. ونطلب منك أيضاً تبليغ اجهزة الأمن المحلية فوراً
،وتزويدهم بالمعلومات عن التهديد.

كيف يمكنك المساعدة:
هناك العديد من الطرق التي يمكنك المساهمة بها لتعزيز أمن الولايات المتحدة، ونحن نقّدر
الأشخاص الشجعان المستعدين لتقديم معلومات تؤدي إلى القبض على الإرهابيين وقادة
المتطرفين، وتوفير معلومات تحبط أو توقف هجمات إرهابية.

المنح والمكافآت:
تُمنح مكافآت للأشخاص اللذين يوفرون معلومات قد تستخدم مباشرة للقبض على قادة
المتطرفين والمنظمات الإرهابية. إن حكومة الولايات المتحدة مستعدة لمنح مكافآت سخية
للأشخاص اللذين يوفرون معلومات دقيقة يمكن التأكد من صحتها وتؤدي إلى القبض على قادة
المتطرفين والإرهابيين. المكافآت قد تصل إلى 10 مليون دولار أمريكي للقبض على مسؤول
النظام العراقي السابق عزت الدوري. وتُمنح مكافآت أخرى لأشخاص آخرين مطلوبين ومن
ضمنهم الأشخاص المسجلة أسمائهم أدناه.

أهم المطلوبين في العراق:
قائد القاعدة في العراق أبو أيوب المصري
قائد ما يسمى بالدولة الإسلامية في العراق أبو عمر البغدادي
قائد أنصار السنة/أنصار الإسلام أبو عبدالله الشافعي
مسؤول النظام العراقي السابق عزت الدوري

أعضاء قوات التحالف المفقودين:
قد تُمنح مكافآت لمعلومات عن أعضاء قوات التحالف المفقودين ومن ضمنهم:

أسماء أعضاء قوات العسكرية الأمريكية والمدنيين الأمريكيين المفقودين وتواريخ خطفهم:

الإسم وصف تاريخ الإفتقاد/الخطف
الرقيب أحمد قُسيّ الطائي قوات العسكرية الأمريكية 23 أكتوبر 2006
الرائد تْروي غِلبِرْت قوات العسكرية الأمريكية 27 نوفمبر 2006

بدري حمزة مواطن أمريكي 6 نوفمبر 2004
جِفري إيْك مواطن أمريكي 11 أبريل 2005
أبان م. الياس مواطن أمريكي 3 مايو 2004
حسين الزروفي مواطن أمريكي 3 ديسمبر 2005
مايكل شانْد مواطن أمريكي 17 أغسطس 2007
دِين سادِك مواطن أمريكي 2 نوفمبر 2004
نينوس خوشابا مواطن أمريكي 17 مايو 2005
عباس نعامة مواطن أمريكي 27 سبتمبر 2005
عدنان الحِلاوي مواطن أمريكي 3 مارس 2007
تِموثي بِلْ مواطن أمريكي 9 أبريل 2004

pouetization ftw!
added on the 2009-08-23 22:55:08 by decipher decipher
aligning to the left, huh?
added on the 2009-08-23 23:12:57 by 216 216
yeah I don't know why, when I copied the text it was aligned to the left :/. Firefox and Arabic text sucks...
added on the 2009-08-23 23:14:07 by decipher decipher

I have a hard time believing that there was any connection between freemasonry and the pirates of old.

Granted. They might not (most probably don't) know the deeper meaning of this very symbol.
It's often a "sender- receiver" method also used on trendy clothing for the youngsters - especially for them, for they're the target group.

Let's leave it with one more comparism.
The same symbol was used by the infamous SS-Guard. That should show off
the creepy aspect of the symbolism.

To get deeper into the subject of todays sublime pre conditioning of the masses by corporate media research the term "culture creating", "hollywood programming", "MK Ultra" and the like.
added on the 2009-08-24 00:26:46 by d0DgE d0DgE

BTW: The "pirates" you think of as Johnny Depp with a parot on their shoulder is fairytale. Pirates started out as kind of mercenaries to the colonial kingdoms (e.g. France, Spain, especially England).
Best example is Sir Francis Drake. He may have lived to early for the freemason area but there were fraternal orders before.
With becoming a "nobel" (Sir, that is) often came the initiation to such a society.
added on the 2009-08-24 00:40:16 by d0DgE d0DgE
area -> era ... -_-
added on the 2009-08-24 00:45:53 by d0DgE d0DgE
dodge, correct!
this is what real pirates look like:
BB Image

this particular one illegally downloaded 177000 pounds of silver and a thousand pearls.

his advantage was that back then there was no RIAA/BUMA/etc yet.

btw, on libertarianism: note that the international relations of the world are very close to something like a libertarian system, except that it contains countries, not people. countries, just like people, often make decisions based on emotion and rage, rather than on rationality, so the difference is not as big as it seems. this, IMHO, makes the way the world works a nice image of how libertarianism would work out, except that there's only a few hundred individuals instead of billions.

now, given how badly and crappily it works with only a few hundred individuals (huge differences in power, economy and health, bullying, deceit, not so different from lord of the flies really), i cannot believe that it will work for billions - especially given the scarcity of (fertile, desirable) land.
added on the 2009-08-24 06:39:31 by skrebbel skrebbel
To summarise dodge:

One countries Pirate is another countries respected member of the Admiralty.
To offer an explaination as to HOW/WHY

Sinking a Spanish ship or stealing Spanish goods, would be against Spanish law for obvious reasons.

However if England were at war with Spain, then sinking a Spanish ship or stealing Spanish goods would be applauded as an act of courage and patriotism by the English.


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