Demoscene, the youth & future - And outreaching
category: general [glöplog]
numtek, wrong thread... and if not, stop spamming. on the other hand, I didn't know Gargaj had leet search skills; capable enough altering Google's statistics by searching for demoscene everyday.
gloom, there is something like "law of the conservation of the cyber traffic". The interest the demoscene lost must has moved somewhere else. And I found it, look this graph.
@iq:We are being taken over by tentacle pr0n. Numbers don't lie.
that's more likely to refer to people who look like this though
BrokeNCYDE owns!
I like his hair though.
oh and that t-shirt is frigging awesome.
I love the hair too
pants off.. pigs... ohnoes
I love the crooked lip :P
his barely visible silhouette-mustache kills the beauty of his lips though :/
thread successfully killed.
welcome to pouet. it's not killed it's pouëtized.
ok death by pouëtization
let's officialize the pouëtization
iq haz teh pouetzz megathreadzzorzzskillz!!