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Italian sceners???

category: residue [glöplog]
now eating my pizza core... [13%]
added on the 2004-03-16 23:26:28 by soolta soolta
now eating my pizza core... [13%]
added on the 2004-03-16 23:39:50 by soolta soolta
I can't exactly say that i *like* spinning kids' prods, but i have to admit that they have a ton of coding talent. And some artistic talent. Just too litle taste and common sense. And who needs common sense anyway?
added on the 2004-03-17 00:53:14 by eye eye
Japotek story demos are soooo funny to me, because they are looking ugly or remind me stupid action games =)

Dixan is the coolest Italian guy around :). I met him at TUM and he was the nicest guy and we had a nice chat! Ok,. I haven't met any other Italian sceners yet, but stop that because he rulez anyways =)))

I am wondering now what the greek demoscene is doing. Perhaps we will see some new greek demos at ReAct or even at the next Assembly. But it's so weird to only wait for the big events in order to see some activity, but at least I am having some times fun with the stupid discussions at the greek mailnglist or irc channel during the inactive days :)
added on the 2004-03-17 14:28:54 by Optimus Optimus
sometimes i like to relaxe with the italian version of the sailor moon theme
added on the 2004-03-17 15:02:18 by lithis lithis

well. thanks :D

[nagz ;*?]
added on the 2004-03-17 16:22:08 by Delilah Delilah
Sometimes I like to relaxe with the italian version of "Debby does Dallas"
added on the 2004-03-17 21:33:34 by dixan dixan
i wish i could relax with Aria Giovanni, the italian pride!!! :P
added on the 2004-03-18 14:50:06 by el mal el mal
The real italian pride is Rocco Siffredi, but I wouldn't relax with him (nor would you, I guess).
added on the 2004-03-18 17:43:45 by dixan dixan
[url]http://www.ariagiovanni.com/[url] <--- ARIAGIOVANNI
added on the 2004-03-18 23:02:44 by uns3en_ uns3en_
added on the 2004-03-18 23:03:01 by uns3en_ uns3en_
BUT aria giovanni only has italian origins... if you want a "vera italian porca" you should take a look at selen.
added on the 2004-03-19 10:59:43 by soolta soolta
deathstar was an italian group wasn't it ?
added on the 2004-03-20 01:55:59 by nytrik nytrik
nytrik: yeah, right... "was". Almost 7 years are passed since their big hit "Claudia", so they are quite out of the demobiz at the moment.

For all: I have been thinking about this lack of italian sceners for quite a long while now, and I came up with a simple conclusion: italian people can't do two things at the same time.

- In the high school or before then, they just can't do shit and play frag-o-rama games all day long.
- In the university times, most of the demoscene wannabe makers just can't do demos because they have exams to prepare or linux boxes to finetune.
-When they graduate, they can't make demos because they have to search for a job or work overtime for a poorly paid position.
- When they have a full time job, it seems to suck up all the demomaking time.

In addiction to this, italian girlfriends are always bitching about them passing too much time boozing or coding shiny blobs instead of driving them to the nearest shopping mall.

Oh lordy, trouble so hard...
added on the 2004-03-20 11:09:28 by dixan dixan
You may find some of these facts in other countries too, but I am not sure about it..

Anyways, the problems concerning the small scene in Greece must be:

* At high school, the exams to pass to the university are very hard. I also see a lot of parents oppresing their children to study and only study.

* However, after passing to the university, most greek students are very lazy at studying for 1-2 years before they decide to start working for it, perhaps because of the oppresion (Some say: "I was studying all my childhood, why do the same again?!") and hard studies before at school. If they are not working hard for their university, they are just enjoying life, going out with friends, seeking for a girlfriend or anything that they haven't done at such extend in their childhood. I think, at least some other greek sceners can correct me if they think elsewhere.

* It's strange how I choosed the other direction, spending most of my time on learning coding, not that there was no time left to go out, but there must be also the fact that it happened that I learned the demoscene at that time, probably also because I first logged into the internet when I joined the university. Perhaps it was because it wasn't easy to be informed about the demoscene before. There existed BBS in Greece too, but I was either to small or I didn't had any geek friend knowing about BBS or demos. The funniest thing I just remember, is the fact that once my big brother connected to some BBS with a modem (a friend told him), he downloaded some warez, but never let us have even a slight look at that (he closed the door in his room). Arghh!!! I really wanted to see how it is to connect to the external world, perhaps I would have noticed some demos too there..

* A friend of mine thinks that perhaps the greeks started with coding such advanced things like gfx algorithms after 18, because their childhood was very oppresed by the school, there was not even some time for enjoying life, how about sticking in a PC? The opportunity is very rare. He says that many sceners in Finland or Germany or every country that has a scene, started very early in the scene, however I know some greek sceners who started at 14-15. I still don't know why Greece has a smaller demoscene than Finland, when the population is bigger. Perhaps it's also that computer were not so popular here at older times or there was no big connection to scenewise countries..

* Some say that greeks are lazy :)

I am wondering what is the opinion of greek sceners.
added on the 2004-03-20 13:24:52 by Optimus Optimus
just a side note, that deathstar wasn't even the real one ;)

the first and real deathstar was of course the finnish-based amiga group formed in 1988, remembered most notably because of the coding talents of drucer & dr. dma.
added on the 2004-03-20 13:32:04 by reed reed
optimus: you're off topic :)
added on the 2004-03-20 18:58:50 by soolta soolta
it's funny to see how dixan and optimus write approximately the same things, but optimus is about twice as verbose and mixes in his personal experience.
added on the 2004-03-20 19:38:09 by deemage deemage
Dixian : from what you said : thanks god i m not italian :)
added on the 2004-03-20 21:14:13 by nytrik nytrik
hello i went back yesterday from madrid reading your post i think that italian scene sucks and i'm only a poor italian sigh!
added on the 2004-03-21 13:18:00 by daeimos daeimos
daeimos: la scena demo italiana suxa, si sa, e tu sei un troll. Grazie a questa tua qualifica sei il benvenuto, te l'ho già detto. Quindi piantala di lamentarti, cambia nazionalità, se vuoi, e comincia a releasare qualcosa.
added on the 2004-03-21 14:12:09 by soolta soolta
Pizza quattro stagioni whatsa matta you?
added on the 2004-03-21 15:04:47 by sagacity sagacity
yes, yes, hot dog, hot dog, yes sir, no sir, maybe, okay.
added on the 2004-03-21 15:57:48 by reed reed
soolta: aspetta la mia release allora...
added on the 2004-03-21 18:55:13 by daeimos daeimos

marco carola is italian pride!!

added on the 2004-03-21 20:18:24 by raver raver


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