Why is ojuice.net still listed as an affiliate?
category: general [glöplog]
And the banner comes up every now and then over on the "We like..." place. Wishful thinking, perhaps?
heh, yeah it's been a while since it went down :D
lazy admin script editors. of course
He's right.
Zombie Attack!
well, maybe..
Same for Nectarine...
Keep these! It brings us memories from when the scene was still trying to survive before it died eventually.
Keep these! It brings us memories from when the scene was still trying to survive before it died eventually.
Is it dead again? Why did nobody tell me!
actually all the buttons have a "dead" flag which keeps the entry in database (in case it comes back) and it was set for OJ but the main page didnt check that condition.
it does now.
it does now.
maybe because the ojuice banner ruled and now it's gone forever :(
w0t? ojuice dyed? omg!
this brings up the question: is someone still working on this http://www.nujuice.net/ ?
is there a link to the ojuice banner btw? gotta save it for posterity..
I know something you don't...
Is it dead again? Why did nobody tell me!
Well, it dies like every second week or so... Get used to it.
The scene is undead.

Something like 2000+ euros were donated to save Nectarine and to have the HD and DB restored. What was the outcome of this?
keops: a nice holiday in the sun and plenty of Martinis on the beach?
some info in the goodbye nectarine thread here:
still unclear in the end though..
some info in the goodbye nectarine thread here:
still unclear in the end though..
@Keops: This is perfectly unclear... I have no news from Yes since the day of Nectarine's collapse. I even don't know if he's still alive.
He priomised Arab several times to send the HDD... Nothing happened... And I don't think that Axel knows more about it as well...