michael jackson is dead
category: general [glöplog]
When I was a kid, I always thought he would live up to 150 or sth when he was sleeping in oxygen chamber.
I have a friend that believed the same thing and I kinda did as well. Weird..
It's sad because this was not the way he was supposed to go, he should have had at least his final concert round.
So it makes me a bit sad, but luckily we will always have Thriller!
I always liked Dangerous the most.
I think I like Dangerous more because it was "actual" when I was young and my parents offered it to myself.
Well, we had all other MJ on vinyls thanks to old parents.
Well, we had all other MJ on vinyls thanks to old parents.

He'll be back.
the haters can go figure out why he made it big and they didn't
the haters can go figure out why he made it big and they didn't
400 000 000 dollars debt would kill anybody.
qu'est ce qu'il a dit le Doh ? :/
He was a troubled man, but he wrote some really great songs. Rest in Peace.
a great person, a little bit strange but great music. R.I.P.
Jacko's music has been remixed for so many Amiga music disks, demos and intros: http://bitworld.bitfellas.org/demos.php?query=Jackson&range=0&numshow=250&where=any
It's pretty amazing how all youtube videos slightly involving Jackson now have 'RIP Michael' comments
Was it really that surprising to anyone? Just look as his face!
He created some stunning stuff, RIP mj.
j'l'aime beaucoup elle !


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5O553ZOdRo again too!
(album chart 1-15)
(album chart 1-15)
How awesome. They're interviewing someone that met MJ in 1992! That's 17 years ago! Jeez.

His nose went from high-poly to low-poly. Was it a LOD defect?