Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
but.. but.. but they do it for teh lulz!

A corruption of lol.

Look what my colleuge Daniel did with the place we work at! :-) Look at the whole GIF! Cool as hell! No its nothing that will spook you or anything. Just some fucking with your eye functions!
Not that original.
goode olde mindillusion

Navis, have mercy.. My eyes bleed..
haha, best pics ever
eye am in pain
I get high eyecancer-readings here...

more eyecancer!

googling for images of "eyecancer" actually returns some pretty gross results :P

Navis, if these were images from the next ASD demo, don't release it.
Come to thing of it, please do release it. Right now!
Come to thing of it, please do release it. Right now!