What Monitor should I buy?
category: general [glöplog]
I got a little $$ for a new monitor at home and thought this would be a great place to ask. What monitor should I get. I'm 90% concerned with picture quality 10% refresh.
dude.. by a dell (srlsy)
dude.. I should prbly correct my spellings
crt ftw \o/
quality lcd > trinitron crt
how many $$?

crt? really? anybody still waiting for the resurrection of Amiga?
I still have 3 17" CRT's - you can have them for free ;)
The only CRT I own is a C= 1084
dude.. by a dell (srlsy)
Dell monitors have dropped a lot in quality lately. Don't expect S-IPS panels anymore, for example.
Dude. buy a mac.

as seen here: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=12077
sorry to break the pouetization for a moment...but srsly...
I recently spent sometime researching my best options for a monitor budget monitor <£200 (UKP) and the winnar by far was the ViewSonic VX2260.
Beautiful 22" crystal clear widescreen, with full 1080p HD (most in this price range are not full HDMI). DMI, DVI-D and VGA interfaces.
I've had it for over 2 months now and can't fault it. Highly recommended by people in the underground monitor scene...

I recently spent sometime researching my best options for a monitor budget monitor <£200 (UKP) and the winnar by far was the ViewSonic VX2260.
Beautiful 22" crystal clear widescreen, with full 1080p HD (most in this price range are not full HDMI). DMI, DVI-D and VGA interfaces.
I've had it for over 2 months now and can't fault it. Highly recommended by people in the underground monitor scene...

Thanks for the heads up doom.
I've got 500 I can spend.
Thanks hello. I checked out the ViewSonic and I want one! hehe... I looked on amazon.com and they don't have the 2260WM though. The closest thing they have is the 2240W. I wonder if they are the same. I'm not sure if amazon has good shipping rates from UK to US.
I managed to find the 2262 which had the same specs. I snagged 2 of them w00t. It will be nice to finally have dual display.
check out those Eizo-monsters. we use them at work. pure awesomeness
You can compare every monitor on earth here:
But i've spent weeks searching for monitors with 1920x1200 and a professional color calibration, without spending 2000$...
...and the result is this:
It's the same lcd panel as EIZO and works great for my photo calibration!
But i've spent weeks searching for monitors with 1920x1200 and a professional color calibration, without spending 2000$...
...and the result is this:
It's the same lcd panel as EIZO and works great for my photo calibration!
A friend of mine bought an HP LP2475w, 24 inch /w dual DVI. The viewing angle is very good and I likes the quality of the screen. I'm thinking of buying one too. It's not the cheapest of monitors, however.
I mean that one: HP LP2475w!
The big difference is on the panel LCD technology: H-IPS

I mean that one: HP LP2475w!
The big difference is on the panel LCD technology: H-IPS

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