is ryg living a double life?
category: general [glöplog]
they are identical, what's going on!?
they are identical, what's going on!?
Oh my god...
It's official, the scene is now dead.
hm. i actually was expecting something more along the lines of a spiderman bodypaint or such.
i think he was testing this mice ...

ps : img by abductee
hehehe :)
Ah I love those young chicks on that book cover.... :P~~~~~~
When I open that img link, the browser windows close after 1-2 seconds one after the other(!!!). At least in this computer at the netcafe. WTF???
Back from the dead!
What did he teach them beside programming? ;)
the author of that book has nearly the same second name as Steeler... I'm sure something is going on here.
love the haircut on ryg/quake-blablabla
AFAIR ryg had some game addiction problem, but that has been fixed by an overdose of coderine.
then that must be him!
games = CANCER
[sry, somehow i missed this one]
[sry, somehow i missed this one]
My memory is blurred.... Has ryg been the gamerlamer on The Meeting 1998?... ?
To my well-trained eyes they're totally different. Y'see if you look for the subtle details you'll see that the guy on the right doesn't have 85 on his shirt.
Here's the Japanese Ryg:

he also does not have 85 on his shirt...
Ryg is famous superstar hehehe
They are quite obviously different...
The small beady eyes of the left ryg indicates short sightedness, whilst the larger than life eyes of the ryg on the right clearly indicates long sightedness.
Perhaps more obviously, unlike the ryg on the left, the ryg on the right appears to have eye pigmentation which occludes the reflection of camera flash from his retina.
But you never know, perhaps spectacles were swapped and eyes pre-flashed for the RHS image.
The small beady eyes of the left ryg indicates short sightedness, whilst the larger than life eyes of the ryg on the right clearly indicates long sightedness.
Perhaps more obviously, unlike the ryg on the left, the ryg on the right appears to have eye pigmentation which occludes the reflection of camera flash from his retina.
But you never know, perhaps spectacles were swapped and eyes pre-flashed for the RHS image.
Ryg you sly old dog you!
Ryg you sly old dog you!
Now he's currently doing Denmark: