Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
Howdy madam!
Howdy madam!
pegan: touché!
^^^^ Holder of all the masturbation-related World Records?
Google supports piracy!
tesla: I doubt that your average European is familiar with the image of a stereotypical "kro". But yeah, from our standpoint the guy is quite a type.
Doesn't look waterproof to me.
If you couldn't (in theory) _USE_ it as a teapot, its not a teapot, imho.
If you couldn't (in theory) _USE_ it as a teapot, its not a teapot, imho.
The six platonic solids
What are the criteria for something being usable as a teapot? If it's: 1) must be possible to brew tea in it 2) must have some emptying mechanism by which the tea may be transferred to a cup, then I would nominate the 007 Stage at Pinewood Studios as a candidate for the largest one.