category: residue [glöplog]
Have you ever heard about Megapolisomancy?
Searching on the net someone can find references to the literature behind it and some rpg games using the parascience of it. But for a long time, in some greek paranormal magazine, a new neomythology arised, that some people actually are trying to use the whole idea of it while walking around in cities. They are organized in teams, have special tasks/classes attached (like navigator and some other) and do strange experiments inside the cities, trying to affect their environment or searching for some entities called paramentals or gaps to other realities.
This is far fetched and I don't actually care about the pseudoscience in it right now, but about if there ever exists an underground community of so called urbanomancers? For example, the authors of the articles in the greek magazines have some stories where they interview some very secret groups of urbonomancers that may live among me in my city and I didn't even know, strange devices (human to computer interface or neuroweapons) which although looks like b-movies constructions to me.
When I search for megapolisomancy on the net, I only find the fictional and rpg stuff and then tons of greek messageboards speaking about it. I can't find external resources anywere else outside greek sites. It seems to me right now that this could be an exclusively greek constructed neomythology.
Except if you, outside greece, have heard anything about folks who actually practice urbanomancy, this is like walking around in the city at nights, as groups of people, with strange devices and doing weird things, searching for weird entities in the city or something like that, based on the original fiction by Leiber but trying to do it in reality. The authors in the greek magazine mention teams in Germany, Finland and other places in the world, who have fancy or scary nicknames (the gambler) or group names (the witches) and stuff (similar to other underground communities). It's very strange, very hard to find anything, but maybe just a greek myth or maybe not.
Have you heard anything in your country? Pouetization counts also as no..
Searching on the net someone can find references to the literature behind it and some rpg games using the parascience of it. But for a long time, in some greek paranormal magazine, a new neomythology arised, that some people actually are trying to use the whole idea of it while walking around in cities. They are organized in teams, have special tasks/classes attached (like navigator and some other) and do strange experiments inside the cities, trying to affect their environment or searching for some entities called paramentals or gaps to other realities.
This is far fetched and I don't actually care about the pseudoscience in it right now, but about if there ever exists an underground community of so called urbanomancers? For example, the authors of the articles in the greek magazines have some stories where they interview some very secret groups of urbonomancers that may live among me in my city and I didn't even know, strange devices (human to computer interface or neuroweapons) which although looks like b-movies constructions to me.
When I search for megapolisomancy on the net, I only find the fictional and rpg stuff and then tons of greek messageboards speaking about it. I can't find external resources anywere else outside greek sites. It seems to me right now that this could be an exclusively greek constructed neomythology.
Except if you, outside greece, have heard anything about folks who actually practice urbanomancy, this is like walking around in the city at nights, as groups of people, with strange devices and doing weird things, searching for weird entities in the city or something like that, based on the original fiction by Leiber but trying to do it in reality. The authors in the greek magazine mention teams in Germany, Finland and other places in the world, who have fancy or scary nicknames (the gambler) or group names (the witches) and stuff (similar to other underground communities). It's very strange, very hard to find anything, but maybe just a greek myth or maybe not.
Have you heard anything in your country? Pouetization counts also as no..

With no friends outside his 'cyberlife' the loner spent up to eight hours a day at his computer.
With nothing important to do at his 'job' the lazy one spent up to eight hours a day searching for urbanomancers.

Optimus: a bunch of people that wander round cities doing 'secret missions' involving magic and stuff, that's based on a theory in a novel? You're searching for the wrong thing, you want "rpg".
Geek is just one r short of Greek. nuff said.
ah yes thanks uncle-x for your very cultivated and civilized contribution here. :]
Nice bird avatar.
I could've also posted a picture of a kitten...

well yes kitten pictures are always better than väheksyä other countries. i mean, if you dont want that others väheksyä your country, then dont do it to others.
For jeg spiller rollespil i den mørke skov,
Du må ik' være med før du får lov,
Og jeg pløkker trolde ned med mit papgevær,
Pas på, pas på, jeg har et sværd.
Ja, jeg spiller rollespil, jeg har brynje på,
Er du bange kan du bare gå,
Jeg kaster med håndgranater af trylledej,
Så vis respekt for mig.
Du må ik' være med før du får lov,
Og jeg pløkker trolde ned med mit papgevær,
Pas på, pas på, jeg har et sværd.
Ja, jeg spiller rollespil, jeg har brynje på,
Er du bange kan du bare gå,
Jeg kaster med håndgranater af trylledej,
Så vis respekt for mig.
That article said these devices are used in urban exploration megapolisomancy ecolocation. LOL.
Mr T and a car-sized hamster! Shit, I have to watch that film! What's it called?
the greek magazine mention teams in Germany, Finland
I am not surprised even a single bit that such an entity does exist in Finland.
Maybe it is something related to LARP and you're mixing the sub-reality created within the framework of such games with the conscious reality you are experiencing, hence actually bearing a simple and yet straightforwardly flawed idiom in which such constructs sanction your fallacies.
Yes, I first thought about LARP. Although the greek articles never mentioned a connection of the two things, although if I'd ask them they would find some strange connections. Larp Megapolisomancy only brings five results, larp urbanomancer four results, even though I found something a bit interesting and I am just reading which could just be an rpg description or actual reality or a mixed bug. But both in larp and their theories of megapolisomancy there this common idea, to actually live some alternative experience, to interact with the environment and maybe feel something unique or bizarre.
Later I read some random stuff called psychogeography (there I found more groups experimenting in the cities, not directly connected though with megapolisomancy but maybe it's the same concept) and reality hacking and other weird stuff. I find it impressive or weird of what kind of strange things and strange experiments people contact on the cities (I was also at first buffled by urban explorers and parkour/free runners when I first found them, although those are more known) I can find out about. But no mention to the megapolisomancy clans and secret ongoings except from the greek mentions, maybe this one is really a neomythology exported from greece or maybe it's just my idea :)
Later I read some random stuff called psychogeography (there I found more groups experimenting in the cities, not directly connected though with megapolisomancy but maybe it's the same concept) and reality hacking and other weird stuff. I find it impressive or weird of what kind of strange things and strange experiments people contact on the cities (I was also at first buffled by urban explorers and parkour/free runners when I first found them, although those are more known) I can find out about. But no mention to the megapolisomancy clans and secret ongoings except from the greek mentions, maybe this one is really a neomythology exported from greece or maybe it's just my idea :)
I just realized there are more keywords I should be searching (if I only knew) and maybe I'll find more.
Psychogeography seems quite similar to megapolisomancy. weird stuff.
Psychogeography seems quite similar to megapolisomancy. weird stuff.
Wait. I just wrote this three years ago. Ugh :P
so that nobody does before