First demo you ever saw/remember
category: offtopic [glöplog]
No-3D by Dark Bit Factory.
Byterapers' crack intro in Marauder was probably the first one that impressed me. (after all, it's far more enjoyable than the game it's attached to :)
Marauder.. i only remember a copy program with lot of copper colors on amiga by that name :)
Deus Ex Machina by Crest & Oxyron
Something on the c64 and by todays standard most likely not to impressive but i remember that i liked everything from Level 11 in the late 80s...
yoda showed me konsum by farbrausch.
First time it was a NRK report on TG, but i didnt understand what it was.
The real Demo i've ever saw and recognised as being awsome must have been moppi, but ive also seen some cracktros.
The real Demo i've ever saw and recognised as being awsome must have been moppi, but ive also seen some cracktros.
This one:
...and that very moment in 1987 I started my collection and never stopped. (Oh my god, have I really been collecting demos for 22 years now? That's 2/3 of my lifetime.)
...and that very moment in 1987 I started my collection and never stopped. (Oh my god, have I really been collecting demos for 22 years now? That's 2/3 of my lifetime.)
Fishtro by Future Crew
Deus: was it this?
hmm, i dont think so, i belive it was in 1996, when TG movied into the vikingship, i say this because by then we had a PC at home with windows 95.
DOH....stupid incomplete childhood memories.
DOH....stupid incomplete childhood memories.
Ikari+talent intro's on my c64, i remember i loved them and fairlight's aswell i guess, but those 2 names stands out as first for me ever.
If cracktros, wont count then it probly must be megademo 8 by kefrens at least thats the one i remember as being the first "real" demo i ever saw and it totally blew me away when i first saw the "beast" part, hell i still get goosebumps just thinkin it :D
If cracktros, wont count then it probly must be megademo 8 by kefrens at least thats the one i remember as being the first "real" demo i ever saw and it totally blew me away when i first saw the "beast" part, hell i still get goosebumps just thinkin it :D
the first one i actually remember is the RSI megademo. but i saw a lot of stuff before this...
gloom, neato keen link! i recognized dr.awesomes "trance seven" tune in the background there.. great tune :)
First cracktro I remember

First demo I saw

First demo I saw

can i count that rtd application that came with the dos rises to demand patcher?
Budbrain Megademo.
machines of madness by dubius
I believe the cracktro for the Amiga game Oswald back in the late 80's. I think it was Bamiga Sector One, but I'm not sure...
One of my classmates had an Amiga 500, and that was where I saw it - and it took me a whole three years to persuade my parents into letting me buy an A500 to replace my old and defect C64. And then another two years till I joined the scene...
One of my classmates had an Amiga 500, and that was where I saw it - and it took me a whole three years to persuade my parents into letting me buy an A500 to replace my old and defect C64. And then another two years till I joined the scene...
Apart from alot of cracktros... I discovered demos fairly late. My first were:
Kasparov by elitegroup
Melrose Space by threestate
Hyperventilation by Byterapers
I'll never forget these ones.
Kasparov by elitegroup
Melrose Space by threestate
Hyperventilation by Byterapers
I'll never forget these ones.
A Golden Axe cracktro on the ST with Count Zero music (links plz)
I guess mine would be Unreal by FutureCrew