Breakpoint 2009 - Everything is under control
category: parties [glöplog]
Is anyone else due a 9.5 hour wait at Hahn, due to their assigned shuttle being at 13:45 and their flight being at around 23:00?
Anyone fancy clubbing together for a taxi later in the evening? Assuming there's anything to do in Bingen for 9 hours on Monday afternoon - if not, then I guess we're stuck with 9 hours of seat-polishing at the airport.
Anyone fancy clubbing together for a taxi later in the evening? Assuming there's anything to do in Bingen for 9 hours on Monday afternoon - if not, then I guess we're stuck with 9 hours of seat-polishing at the airport.
april 12, 2009 : the day fairlight buried my main pc.
time to sell some kidney and upgrade!
time to sell some kidney and upgrade!
off to leave to the train soon - if anyone's at frankfurt HBF tomorrow morning, let's meet up :)
Gargaj: We'll be arround I guess. At least assuming we'll need to take the train possibly. So yeah, let's meet up!
smash, if you don't find anything else, you can use my pc for awhile. (intel core2quad extreme blah, 2GB of RAM, GF8800GTX w/ 768MB VRAM). just ask me during the party :)
ryg: awesome! thanks. i might take you up on that when the going gets tough.. :)
oh, and bero is looking for a ride back from the partyplace. if you think you can help, please contact him.
torus: we researched our compo-PC hack well. the two pins are both ground, so there is no danger shorting different 12V lanes. and the power supply is strong enough. our hack is just disabling a safety feature designed for dummies. at least that's what we think :-)
"and there we go with the first PC prod of the party!" -> Kaboooooom!!
not like fried GPUs at bp never happened before... :P

breakpoint is on fire!
GPU fried now already?
no, but the smoke machine is smoking in a non-smoking area!
damn these smoke machines.
damn these smoke machines.
Streaming turned on! YAY!
Streaming turned on! YAY!

I'm cooooomiiiiiing :]
You're coming? Great! :D
(Where are you now?
(Where are you now?
packing my bag at the moment, bptv on the background.
Can't wait! ;)
Can't wait! ;)
Where is a live video streaming?
Breakpoint - Doors opened!
Breakpoint - Doors opened!
manwe: join also the official IRC Channel #breakpoint @ IRCnet ;)
What the hell!
No hard liquor in the main party hall?
No hard liquor in the main party hall?
we've had that rule since 2005.
Join the official IRC Channel via IRC2Go (just type in your name):
Yeah, well, from my point of view we have had that rule since 2009