Any sceners going to GDC 2009?
category: general [glöplog]
maybe he'll come if you offer him a Tropikal Drink
Smash: dunno yet but we will send a guy to spy on your talk for sure since we're reworking our engine.
If I can attend, I will tell you in advance so that we can have a drink - AFTER your talk ;)
If I can attend, I will tell you in advance so that we can have a drink - AFTER your talk ;)
keops: great, i hope you do come to GDC and we do have that drink! (then we can dispell all those rumours about you being zest's alter-ego)
Smash: easy with the mean insults or else I will throw shoes at you during the talk :D
like they did on Bush in Iraq. :)
keops: if you show up it might be worth shoe dodging for!
"Crazed Frenchmen Subdued at Sony GDC Talk - Police Suspects Religious Motivation Behind 'False Idol' Claims"
Pantaloon: exactly, because Smash is an infidel! He works for Sony! :D
Sony committed the original sin : they killed the Dreamcast!
Smash: btw, is there an "official" list of games using deferred shading on PS3, besides the few well known ones?
(KZ2, LPB, Dead Space or GTA4)
(KZ2, LPB, Dead Space or GTA4)
Like, not a list I can find on wikipedia and all ;)
aftu: It was actually Sega that killed the Dreamcast themselves.
Keops, i guess most big engines are looking towards in converting, or atleast supporting defeered rendering :)
so I am the only one in addition to Smash who is going?
We are all not worthy enough to go to GDC :( (For fuck sake, I've never even been to ECTS.. and that's gone now..)
okkie: we can organize some countermeeting at a van der valk restaurant, drinking a Tropikal Drink
(i'm not attending either)
(i'm not attending either)
Let's do that! And call everybody faggots.
Keops stupid game made my PC bluescreen fucking TWICE this afternoon! (Which is ofcourse completely Keops' fault :))
Keops stupid game made my PC bluescreen fucking TWICE this afternoon! (Which is ofcourse completely Keops' fault :))
"Update your drivers" or "Get a new PC" :D
me and you both know that french people and/or canadians aren't capable of much!
It's a bloody quad core machine with a GeForce 8600 with the latest drivers!!
maybe it needs d.r.i.v.e.r.s after dark
maybe some monolith coders who poorly ported the quite excellent FEAR2 to PS3 may benefit from attending smash's lecture ;)
neils: btw, were you on killzone 2?

no, i deny everything and have nothing to do with it
me and you both know that french people and/or canadians aren't capable of much!
Keops' BSODs are his own, it has nothing to do with french-canadians!
let me know if there is a scener party.