Social networking sites.
category: general [glöplog]
They fucking suck. I'd rather sign up for the French foreign legion than to facebook/twitter/myspace/whatever is teh shit these days, at least they respect my damn privacy. The scary thing is, I know I have to do it eventually. I'm missing out on stuff because everything gets announced on crapbook. Or oneliner'ed on twitter. Call me old fashioned, but I prefer a fucking e-mail. or even better, a damn phone call.
Am I the only one?
Non-random image:

And yes, I *will* go make a fucking demo about it.
Am I the only one?
Non-random image:

And yes, I *will* go make a fucking demo about it.

Couldn't agree more with wb.
Once even one of my friends made a fake account to facebook with my photo in it. It was joke of course (and a clear hint), but I wasn't laughing out loud. It's also quite often when somebody you have just recently met (or haven't seen in a while) says that he/she couldn't find you on facebook. "Do you have an account that can only be seen by your friends?" "No, I don't have an account at all." "But how do you keep up with all the stuff happening?" And so on...
Once even one of my friends made a fake account to facebook with my photo in it. It was joke of course (and a clear hint), but I wasn't laughing out loud. It's also quite often when somebody you have just recently met (or haven't seen in a while) says that he/she couldn't find you on facebook. "Do you have an account that can only be seen by your friends?" "No, I don't have an account at all." "But how do you keep up with all the stuff happening?" And so on...
Facebook is a nice way to keep contact with friends. E-mail and phone are better, but it's good for "regular" chitchat, and the web-based IM client on it is awesome.
That said, I am seriously contemplating on getting rid of Internet and my mobile phone completely.
That said, I am seriously contemplating on getting rid of Internet and my mobile phone completely.
+ myspace: aptly demonstrates the pathetic aesthetics of the average joe.
+ twitter: self centered twats talking to other self centered twats about something only twats would find interesting
+ facebook: "keep in touch with friends". Yeah, if you are a lazy bastard with no real friends who you can actually CALL on the phone, or SEE in person.
ah ok, I must be a bit biased since downloading the latest MSN messenger to find out that the rotten bastards have turned it into a social networking site clone, with all the bells and whistles that make people who discovered internet last week drool.
Downgrading and fast !!
Downgrading and fast !!
i like facebook.
Why is calling people so much better than contacting via an online medium such as IM or facebook?
back in the days...
stijn: because voice and language is part of the social experience, if you like to call it that way
choosing the ways of being in contact is a matter of context. i'm more comfortable calling my girlfriend than calling an old schoolmate, but it's nice to know what he's up to anyway - enter facebook. likewise, i'm more comfortable IM'ing a scene acquintance in a different country than a work mate that i see every day.
I hate phonecalls.
i hate phones.
i'd get rid of mine completely if it didnt have internets.
i'd get rid of mine completely if it didnt have internets.
i hate farts
what's the deal with farts?!
what's the deal with farts?!
i rather enjoy my face not being on the internet, nothing wrong with IM
what does that have to do with anything? as far as i know facebook doesn't force you to upload a photo, and you really don't have to publish any information about yourself if you don't want to.
to be serious: it's better with it than without the possibility : individuals are back in the center of our societies instead of simple consumerists / official numbers.
now i'd like them to become active citizens too!
now i'd like them to become active citizens too!
I don't mind facebook, myspace, twitter etc. It's just another communication tool to me... basically, if you don't like it, don't use it.
basically, if you don't like it, don't use it.
I wish it was that simple. :P
Unfortunately, because I've chosen not to use it, I'm at a severe social disadvantage. And I'm not talking about staying in touch with old class mates and shit like that. When my friends announce stuff at facebook, they neglect to tell people about it in real life because "everyone already knows".
Example: After work, a guy comes up to me and asks when I'm ready to leave. I tell him "15-20min", and he goes "ah, ok. we'll wait 15 min more, then we'll leave without you and we'll just meet up down town". At this point I'm like "huh? why would you wait for me, and why would we meet up?", then I get a "err, we're all going bowling? We announced it on facebook like two months ago!".
Luckily, every now and again someone remembers that I'm one of those "weird people" not on friendface, and gives me a little update. Let me stress again that I'm talking about actual friends here, that is, people I speak to and meet more or less every day.
wb: Really? You don't need a "friendface" account. You need to meet new friends. ;)
But when you're aware of how completely indifferent you are to other people's cries for attention, it's hard to convince yourself that they feel any differently towards you. There just isn't enough attention to go around for everyone to be an attention whore. Which is why twittering and all the other forms of online exhibitionism (including most aspects of facebook) are so pathetically sad, never mind the privacy issues.
@ham: Don't I know it. ;)
There was a funny moment a month ago, when we were having a surprise birthday party for a friend/co-worker. The whole thing was arranged trough facebook. The first thing the guy says to me after we've yelled surprise and stuff was "how the hell did you hear about this? you're not on facebook!". When writing it down like that, it almost sounds like it's a conspiracy. You know, "sshhh! don't tell wb! he's a real jackass!". ;)
There was a funny moment a month ago, when we were having a surprise birthday party for a friend/co-worker. The whole thing was arranged trough facebook. The first thing the guy says to me after we've yelled surprise and stuff was "how the hell did you hear about this? you're not on facebook!". When writing it down like that, it almost sounds like it's a conspiracy. You know, "sshhh! don't tell wb! he's a real jackass!". ;)
@ham: New friends that ask you, why aren't you on facebook? ;P
im still a bit in dubio regarding the usefulness of twitter.. just to half my ravings on the pouet oneliner it must be great!
but i share the hatred towards social networking sites such as facebook.. the people i talk/meet on a daily basis vis-a-vis is good enough, dont need a website for that. i also dont feel the need to observe random pictures of friends or their random thoughts unless it is relevant to my interest.
there is clearly a reason that i dont meet the rest of the people on a regular basis and i dont fucking want to be updated 24/7 about them, also cos i hardly know them anyway and i simply cannot give a flying fuck that they got a britney spears album from a flying goat on ascension day! (they shouldve been at outline anyway at that particular time!)
but i share the hatred towards social networking sites such as facebook.. the people i talk/meet on a daily basis vis-a-vis is good enough, dont need a website for that. i also dont feel the need to observe random pictures of friends or their random thoughts unless it is relevant to my interest.
there is clearly a reason that i dont meet the rest of the people on a regular basis and i dont fucking want to be updated 24/7 about them, also cos i hardly know them anyway and i simply cannot give a flying fuck that they got a britney spears album from a flying goat on ascension day! (they shouldve been at outline anyway at that particular time!)