NVScene 2008!
category: general [glöplog]
Shane: Yeah. There are also some ongoing stuff for some of the demos, but it's not really my place to go talking about that. As far as I know, those things have not been canceled, not being connected to NVISION 2009 directly.
excellent. for me that was one of the really positive things about having a large company involved.
Preacher: exactly :)
atleast rob is jarig wont win another evoke again ;-)
In anyway, the demoboxes are used to make new demoscene prods.
and the not finished in time demo(s) for nvscene08 will blast us away at bp09 I am sure.. ;-)
In anyway, the demoboxes are used to make new demoscene prods.
and the not finished in time demo(s) for nvscene08 will blast us away at bp09 I am sure.. ;-)
yeah right
magic has been living inside his own little demobox since 1994, excuse his cluelessness
maybe scamp can save nvision
We have had a great relationship with Nvidia over the years, and I do strongly believe that Nvidia has done a lot to support the demoscene.
Yes, I was disappointed about NVision's impact on the demo compo at last ASM, but I was also very happy to see so many great demos to come out from NVision. Overall NVision was very positive for the scene. I hope they bring it back one day (but please schedule it further away from ASM =)).
Yes, I was disappointed about NVision's impact on the demo compo at last ASM, but I was also very happy to see so many great demos to come out from NVision. Overall NVision was very positive for the scene. I hope they bring it back one day (but please schedule it further away from ASM =)).
abyss: As far as I know, it was not scheduled so close to Assembly this year, so blah.. it just sucks. :(
jason: In Norwegian we have this saying which applies to your statement right there: "Kjenn din besøkelsestid".
jason: In Norwegian we have this saying which applies to your statement right there: "Kjenn din besøkelsestid".

And don't forget about ATI Scene!